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President Trump Opens White House for Prayer

Prayer is happening at the White House! The White House has been open for prayer by President Donald Trump! This is the opposite of what was happening in the previous administration, and it is an answer to our prayers. Greg reminds us of a dream that he had where the President would be a friend of the Church, and President Trump has fulfilled that word! He is not only a friend to the Church but also a friend to Israel. President Trump also said he wants to be known as the most praying President ever in America. These are exciting times for America and the Church.

We join President Trump, on the National Day of Prayer 2019, at the White House as he shares his remarks. “America is forever.  We will be a nation that believes forever.  And we certainly believe, more than anyone, the power of prayer — the most powerful thing there is. From our earliest history, we’ve always been people of faith.  Our Declaration of Independence proclaims that our rights are bestowed on us by our Creator.  The First Continental Congress began with a prayer.  Our first President, George Washington, declared a national day of thanksgiving to our Father in Heaven.  Each time we pledge allegiance to our flag, we say that we are “one Nation under God.”  And for 67 years, Presidents have proclaimed a National Day of Prayer.  Sixty-seven years.

“Half a mile from where we are gathered this evening stands the Washington Monument.  On the very top of the tallest structure in our nation’s capital, facing the rising sun each morning, two Latin words are prescribed and inscribed.  It’s called “Praise be to God.”  Very important. And, by the way, you’re seeing it more and more.  You’re seeing people prouder and prouder.  It’s happening.  We remember when we started our campaign.  I was saying, “We’re going to be saying ‘Merry Christmas’ again.”  Now everyone is very proud to be saying “Merry Christmas” again.  There was a time when we went shopping, and you wouldn’t see “Merry Christmas” on the stores.  You’d see a red wall, and it wouldn’t say that; it would say “Happy Holidays” or something, but it wouldn’t say “Merry Christmas.”  We’re back to saying “Merry Christmas” again in this country.  And that’s something that I consider a great achievement because it really spells out what’s happening.

“So tonight, we praise God for our nation.  We give thanks for His providence.  We ask Him to watch over and protect the lives of religious believers, and the people of goodwill all over the world, and the people in this room, who are so important to so many different religions.  And we pray that He will continue to bless America with faith, freedom, and peace.”

President Trump has always honored people of Christian and Jewish faith! He recognizes the anointing of God on His people. He is open to their counsel and wants to hear input from Christians!

Who was at the National Day of Prayer at the White House? There were many well-known people at the White House for the National Day of Prayer service including, Michele Bachmann, Lance Wallnau, Jentezen Franklin, Pastor Guillermo Maldonado, Paula White-Cain, and many others.

A Catholic priest prayed a powerful prayer at the White House at the National Day of Prayer Service. “Our Father who art in heaven hallowed be Thy name. On this special National Day of Prayer, we come to You united as a nation to give You glory. You created the universe and endowed the human person from conception with such a dignity, that made the Psalmist exclaimed, ‘What is man that You should be mindful of him?’ You crowned him with glory and honor, You have given him rule over the works of Your hands, putting all things under his feet. Dear Lord, help our country, protect our people. Born and the unborn. The young and the old, the healthy, and the sick. Those who serve or have served our country and all of us and our families. From those who want to dismiss and undermine the values and the laws you have established in the course of our nature for our own happiness. And help us to hear Your voice so that we can fulfill Your will on earth as it is in heaven. Lord Jesus Christ born of the Virgin Mary, You said that there is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends and through Your death on the cross for our redemption. You showed Your infinite love for us and in John says, ‘He loved us till the end.’ Move our hearts so that we come to love one another, to care for one another, especially for those most in need as you did. Forgiveness is the highest expression of Your mercy, and we beg your grace that we can imitate You. God, the Holy Spirit, enlighten with Your wisdom the hearts of all our leaders, all the leaders of our country, of all positions of responsibility, of all of us, so that we might find the right path and choose it when we make our decision in life no matter how narrow the gate may be. God, our Father, accept the prayers we offer for our nation as we celebrate the resurrection of Your Son so that people everywhere may enjoy the protection of their lives through freedom and find Your happiness, through Christ our Lord, Amen.”

“And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us. And if we know that he hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests that we have asked of him.” 1 John 5:14-15  ESV

God has seen and heard the prayers that took place at the White House! God hears us as we cry out to Him, and as we end abortion, innocent bloodshed, treat others fairly, and turn from our sins He promises to heal our land!

“If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14 

Paula White-Cain was also at the service and prayed as well. God wants us to get in agreement with what He says and speak it out in faith, and that is what Paula does as she decrees her prayer. “Father, I am privileged to come to You in the mighty matchless of Jesus. We lift Your name up, and You said You would draw all men unto You. So right now, we thank You for this wonderful White House, our President, First Lady, First family, administration. We declare it to be holy ground. I will bless the Lord at all times, and His praise shall continually be in my mouth. So, as we thank You for the goodness, we thank You for the prosperity of our nation, for Your blessing, for Your hand. We lift up our President, You declared in Jeremiah 1:5, that before he was ever formed in his mother’s womb that you had set him apart and you had ordained him…According to Psalm 139:16 that You ordained all of his days before one of them ever came into being so not one day takes You by surprise. We thank You that You have already given him the victory through Christ Jesus and understand Ephesians 6:12, that we are not wrestling against flesh and blood but against principalities, powers, wickedness, and darkness. So, we declare every demonic network to be scattered right now, we declare right now that there is a hedge of protection over our President, First Lady. Every assignment, the purpose they carry and the mantle and like Apostle Paul said in Galatians, I was set apart in my mother’s womb and marked off by boundaries for let him fulfill all the will of the Lord and do the assignment God has carried him to do for Your great name, for You great nation, and for all Your people in the world. I decree this and declare this in the mighty matchless name of Jesus Christ and according to Job 22:28, what I decree and declare is established.”

We agree with this prayer and say let it be over everyone in the hearing of this prayer! It is powerful for God to be acknowledged in our nation before the world. What are some things you are decreeing over yourself from the Word of God? We want to hear from you! Write to us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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