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Home » Cosby Show Star Job Shamed? Restoring the Dignity, Privilege, and Honor of Work

Cosby Show Star Job Shamed? Restoring the Dignity, Privilege, and Honor of Work




Anything worth having you must work hard for it! When we work hard for things we appreciate what we get. Geoffrey Owns, a Cosby Show star, speaks out after being ‘job shamed’ because he is working at Trader Joe’s! He was hurt by the comments that have been made yet responds to this in a positive way.

Geoffrey is interviewed on ABC News and remarks to this ‘job shaming’. “This business of my being ‘this Cosby guy’ who got shamed for working at Trader Joe’s, that’s going to pass…I hope what doesn’t pass is this idea that people are now thinking. This re-thinking about what it means to work…the honor of the working person and the dignity of work and I hope that this period that we’re in now with a heightened sensitivity of that and a reevaluation of what it means to work and the reevaluation of the idea that some jobs are better than others. Because that’s actually not true. There is no job that is better than another job! It might pay better, it might have better benefits, it might look better on a resume’ and on paper but actually it’s not better. Every job is worthwhile and valuable and if we have a rethinking about that because of what’s happened to me, that would be great.”

We are grateful to Geoffrey for speaking out! What is the value of work? Many people don’t understand the journey to get to where they want to be. Many times, you must start in a position in a job/industry you don’t really want, to get to where you want to be. Our work is valuable! In our work we can serve other people which is ultimately serving God! Your work matters to God and it is what we do to serve others. We can learn character as we work, we learn time management, how to work under authority, we learn to work as a team, and so much more. Also, our work is where we serve God. Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward.  It is the Lord Christ you are serving.Colossians 3:23-24 ESV Work is where we glorify God and we let our light shine to lead others to Jesus. We must look at every job and people working jobs, in this way because all work is valuable.

We want to hear from you! You can write to us at [email protected]. Also, don’t forget to sign up for the pre-order of the free book I Will Fight: Strategies for Success! Greg and John shared in this segment.

Screenshot courtesy of Youtube.com/ABCNews

‘Cosby’ actor speaks out after being job-shamed online
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