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Home » MISTAKES & PARENTING, what did you learn? Ruth Graham, wife of Billy Graham, Shares Parenting Wisdom from Mistakes Made

MISTAKES & PARENTING, what did you learn? Ruth Graham, wife of Billy Graham, Shares Parenting Wisdom from Mistakes Made




Billy Graham led a humble ministry from beginning to end and ministered to the world. Reportedly he spoke to more people in person than anyone else, totaling 282 million people! As Billy Graham traveled the world his wife, Ruth Graham was left at home to raise their children. 

Ruth Graham shares her precious wisdom as her daughter Anne Graham Lotz asks what mistakes she made as a parent. She says, “Know when to turn loose…if they are really loose on their own that is when they show their true colors…are they truly living for the Lord or just afraid to disobey?” For thousands of years, God has been allowing people to raise children without technology. God can reach out to anyone and help them! We need to trust Him with our children. 

Many people don’t tell their kids about anything; you harvest what you put into their life. You need to live out what you are teaching them. Maybe you have been trying to control your children to a right place which can distort the process of them learning how to make their own decisions. Life has a way of teaching you to listen, Romans 13:1 says, “Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.” God is working with you as a parent because he has put you in your family as an authority! Have you been too terrified to let go? We want to hear from you. You need to talk to your children as young men and women and help them to get a vision for their life. Give your child to God and let go, we are stewarding what God gave to us. Proverbs 22:6 “Train up your child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Also shared in this segment: Betty Crocker, Ski Instructor, Skiing, Vision. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Image courtesy of Storyblocks.com


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