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Home » Charles Simpson: How to Rediscover Family in the Church?

Charles Simpson: How to Rediscover Family in the Church?




We continue the conversation with Charles Simpson as he shares wisdom on how we can rediscover the Church, which is family. You can find out more on our previous conversations on the VFN Torch HERE.

You can look at the world today and see that the world is not reproducing as they should to keep the generations growing! We have heard people in the Church complain about this, but if you look at the Church, she is not reproducing either! So, if the Church is not reproducing more believers and disciples of Jesus then why would the world want to follow God’s order of reproducing children? It seems that however, the Church goes so goes the world.

It is self-sacrificing to have children, it is painful, and many choose to abort their child and choose to not have children because of the pain it causes and that it takes away from “me” time. But truly the world has become infertile because the Western Church is infertile. Many in the Church have chosen to not have spiritual children with the same reasons as the world; it is self-sacrificing and painful. There is value in raising a healthy family!

Charles believes that the world is in a bad place, and most don’t even know it. He says that testosterone levels are dropping across the world! Not too long-ago children helped their families on a farm or at a school for example with some type of physical labor now that no longer happens! The way technology has taken over our culture children don’t even need to go to the library to get a paperback book because they can just read online on a tablet or cellphone. Boys especially need physical labor starting at a young age.

He believes that we must reach men and young people for the Lord, and when that happens, women will be reached. Then family will grow and reproduce healthily. Being the Church is just gathering with other believers, and that can be two believers meeting together! Jesus said,

“For where two or three gather in My name, there am I with them.” Matthew 18:20

Many large moves of God started from two or three believers coming together seeking God, and at Vine Fellowship Network this is how we started meeting in a home developing deep relationships with God and each other. God birthed out of that VFNtv, VFN Kingdom Business VFNKB, and the VFN Dream Center! Maybe you feel led to be a part of the VFN Dream Center; you can find out more HERE and join our family today! What are your thoughts about today’s program? We want to hear from you! Write to us at [email protected] or in the VFNKB Community HERE.

Image courtesy of Storyblocks.com

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