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Charles Simpson shares on being led by Holy Spirit




We continue the conversation with Charles Simpson, and he shares how we must be Holy Spirit led. Also, he says that we must reach men because when we reach men, we can reach the family! You can find out more and catch up with the first segment HERE.

Charles was reading Jesus’ Words about His yoke being easy,

“For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:30 ESV

“I realized that I had fashioned my own yoke. It wasn’t His. I was trying to live the way I thought that a pastor was supposed to be…and it was chaffing me.” He says this is what drove him to seek the baptism of the Holy Spirit! He needed to experience something new, or he was going to leave the ministry. He was reminding God that he didn’t even want to be in the ministry originally and was telling Him he knew it wasn’t going to work out. God used this time to draw him closer and to bless him.

“You have to get real. I don’t mean that it isn’t hard sometimes. Sometimes it is hard, but there is grace.”

“But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9a ESV

“When you are out of grace that is a clue that you are in the wrong place, or you haven’t been sensitive to God.” Many people may only think they can experience or have Holy Spirit at a church (building), but He is with you everywhere! You can experience Him wherever you are because you are the temple of God and His Spirit is in you! 

One way the Spirit can manifest is by helping you to “know” people. Jesus knew people; He looked in the heart of people not just at them. Brother Charles shares how he was in a restaurant, and Holy Spirit was telling him something about the waiter. He finally said to the waiter that God’s hand was on his life. He saw into the waiter because he listened to the Spirit! We must be led by the Spirit, “being led by the Spirit means He’s in front and we are in back…this makes life so much easier and more enjoyable.”

Be sure to listen or watch the continuing conversation with Charles as he shares much more wisdom on the VFN Torch. What do you think about following Holy Spirit? Do you have a testimony of a Holy Spirit led encounter? We want to hear about it! Write to us at [email protected] or in the VFNKB Community HERE.

Image courtesy of Storyblocks.com

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