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Charles Simpson shares on How to be the Church




It seems like people are terrified to be the Church. God blesses people, gives them jobs, heals them, but they don’t bring Him up! Why do people fear what people think by bringing God up? In America we will lose our country if the Church doesn’t speak up and give Him the glory! The world doesn’t know that God is doing the good in our nation because the Church is not saying anything. Brother Charles Simpson continues the conversation and says the biggest frustration for him is “getting the Church out of the church (building).”

Even in the Church, people are not connecting and are like a dysfunctional family, living like orphans! We are called to be family but have messed up the definition of family. Since the Church has messed up what family is, that could be why family is messed up in the nation. Brother Charles says, “We have lost 80% of our young people and fatherhood is the number one problem in the world.” He focuses on ministering to men because if “men will turn their hearts to God, for the most part women will stand with them, and children will be more likely to stay with the Lord too.”

At VFNKB, we ministered to men through the Next Step Outback camping trips making an atmosphere for God to meet men and their sons. We even had mentors for fatherless sons, and they were impacted so much that even now they say how the Next Step Outback changed their life.

They continue to talk about family, and Greg shares how many times he feels more loved and cared for by those who are not followers of Jesus than those who profess to follow Him. Jesus had more mercy on the adulterous woman and tax collectors than He did on the religious leaders! Brother Charles tells people that, “prostitutes and addicts have never hurt me, but Christians would like to kill me…if we don’t have authenticity in our faith then it’s dangerous because you are walking on thin ice.”

It is important to write out your testimony and to be real with others so that anyone can see that you are human. At VFNKB we have written out our stories so that you can see we are sinners saved by grace and you can read our stories at Meet My Father HERE. We also need to be real and honest before God! “God can help an honest person. A person who is not willing, to be honest, is going to be in trouble.” When we try to do things in our own strength we will eventually crash, but when we depend on God and trust Him then things can be accomplished through His grace. He gets all the glory!

As the Church, since we are a family, we must allow the Father’s perfect love to guide us which will drive out fear as He changes our nature and character by developing us into who He created us to be! Be sure to watch or listen to hear more! What do you think about the Church being family? We want to hear from you, you can write to us in the VFNKB Community HERE or at [email protected].

Image courtesy of Storyblocks.com

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