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Charles Simpson: Cross-Pollination in the Church




We continue the conversation with Charles Simpson as he shares wisdom on cross-pollination in the Church. You can find out more on our previous conversations on the VFN Torch HERE.

Charles answers the question, would things have been affected differently if he had technology in the Charismatic Renewal Movement? He believes that everything is appropriate for its time. You can’t make what happened in the past happen again. What happened in the charismatic movement was cross-pollination that outdated traditional denominations. Relationships were built while networking was taking place in Charles travels along with other ministers. Personal relationships were built face to face to the point where they would visit the same place more than once. In current times he says that young people can access anything online, but online relationships are not as effective as having a personal relationship like what he had during that movement.

Things are happening in the world because people are hungry for access! What people are hungry for will find them since they can find anything online, including God as they arise to something they are hungry for. Charles says that this next move of God will be different than anything he has ever seen. He is curious about how technology will affect things in what will happen next in the world. Will there be a rebellion against technology? We are right in the moment of the beast economy written in the book of Revelation in the Bible. “This is not hypothetical,” says Charles, “This is right in our face, and I don’t think that the average Christian is giving it a lot of thought. I don’t think the average pastor is giving it a lot of thought. I think to secure individual integrity in the face of this onslaught of conformity; it’s going to take intentionality. It’s going to take being grounded in God and in His Word. Being led by the Spirit. So as ominous as all of that sounds and is, it is going to force a reality to the Church and to Christians that we haven’t known in the past.” What are your thoughts about this? Will there be a rebellion against technology? Do you think that more people can be effectively reached for the Lord through technology? We want to hear from you. Write to us at [email protected] or in the VFNKB Community HERE.

Image courtesy of Storyblocks.com


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