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Home » “Don’t Allow Your Enthusiasm Take You Beyond Holy Spirit.” Charles Simpson

“Don’t Allow Your Enthusiasm Take You Beyond Holy Spirit.” Charles Simpson




We continue the conversation with Charles Simpson as he shares wisdom on how we must not move beyond Holy Spirit. You can find out more on our previous conversations on the VFN Torch HERE.

We are in a season wherein rapid succession prophetic words are coming to pass! As Christians we need to be aware of this and to listen to the prophetic words from the Lord. Charles tells people that Christians must not fear the world because the world is afraid of God. Christians need to realize the power we have! If you are not afraid to speak about the Lord, then you can have a great impact. We are called believers when we follow Jesus but what do we believe? In belief we will be established when we believe God but to succeed, we must listen to what God is saying! You can read the story of Jehoshaphat in the Bible and see how this works out.

Charles says, “I believe that we are in a critical time. We don’t have to be afraid, but we have to be vigilant. We have to be alert. We have got to listen to the Holy Spirit. He is the only One who knows exactly where it’s going. I believe that we are on the verge of seeing some really big shakeups. I am excited about the time we live in…” He says that every truth gets abused and we must allow Holy Spirit to guide us in everything we do including reading the Bible and being that we are in times that have never been experienced before we must follow our guide, the Holy Spirit. Without Him we will not know where to go. We can learn many things, but without Holy Spirit we will not be able to go into the future. “People get excited, and enthusiasm can take you beyond the Holy Spirit.”

We must follow Holy Spirit in all we do and not leave Him behind. What do you think about following Holy Spirit? We want to hear from you. Write to us at [email protected] or in the VFNKB Community HERE.

Image courtesy of Storyblocks.com


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