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Home » Israel and America, Where are we now?



Did you know that you can miss out on what God is doing? You can miss the time of God’s visitation! Israel missed the time of God’s visitation, and since then every generation has been touched by God, but many have missed it! We must watch and constantly pray to be ready for this generations visit from God.

“And when he drew near and saw the city, he wept over it, saying, “Would that you, even you, had known on this day the things that make for peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes.  For the days will come upon you, when your enemies will set up a barricade around you and surround you and hem you in on every side and tear you down to the ground, you and your children within you. And they will not leave one stone upon another in you, because you did not know the time of your visitation.” Luke 19:41-44 ESV

Israel missed the time of their visitation when Jesus was there with them! Even now, people can miss out.

“He answered them, “When it is evening, you say, ‘It will be fair weather, for the sky is red.’ And in the morning, ‘It will be stormy today, for the sky is red and threatening.’ You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times.” Matthew 16:2-3 ESV

We are in the middle of a major time of prophetic fulfillment right now! God is shifting things around, but people are not even paying attention. What Jesus said in the scripture above is that we can look around in the natural and see the signs of the times!

In this specific time that we are in, we can look at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and see all that he has accomplished for the nation of Israel along with President Donald Trump! P.M. Netanyahu is working to keep Israel from being divided which is important for the world and especially for America as it has been prophesied that if Israel is split then North America will split!

Israel is surrounded by enemies working day and night to see the land divided and the people murdered. Even the previous administration in America was against Israel, but thankfully President Trump is standing with Israel even being called the greatest friend of Israel and Arab countries reportedly have said that they will stand with Israel. God is blessing America because we are blessing Israel!

In America, the kings are the people because we elect government and choose who will be in office. The land of Israel cannot be divided so we must all get out and vote for someone who is righteous or at least will take godly counsel and is for the land of Israel.

“I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. And I will enter into judgment with them there, on behalf of my people and my heritage Israel, because they have scattered them among the nations and have divided up my land…” Joel 3:2 ESV

It does not end well for those that divide Israel. It is God’s land! P.M. Netanyahu, if able to form a new government, will continue to fight for Israel to have all the land back to what it was originally and reportedly, he is going to work on claiming the West Bank again. We must pray that he can form his new government and stay the Prime Minister!

Pastor John Kilpatrick, from Church of His Presence, shares a dream that he was given from the Lord, with Jim Bakker, he details not only what he was shown but also what he saw. In the dream he was shown a perspective above a river near his house, “Suddenly, the river was out of sight, and you couldn’t see the bank of the river at all. And then the scene changed, and I was taken to an old ancient schoolhouse…and my teeth were clapping so hard, I couldn’t clamp my teeth tight enough to keep them from clapping, cause the Earth was quaking.” Without being sure of what was going on, he then saw an old map with the cities of Indianola and Europa on it. After additional research, he learned that these cities could be superimposed upon the New Madrid Fault Line

After realizing the significance of the fault line, Pastor Kilpatrick then realized the implications of what the Lord was showing him. In his own words, he then continues, “What I believe I saw when that river went out of sight, is I believe the Great Lakes was busted loose and the waters started draining down, and I believe the Gulf waters started draining up.” Not only did he consider the national implications, but also how this vision related to international events. “What I felt in my spirit, and I can’t prove this, I just felt in my spirit; I felt like the Lord was saying to me if they divide Jerusalem if America has a hand…in dividing Jerusalem…I will divide America.”

This prophecy was given during the Obama administration, and Pastor Kilpatrick continues, “In the days to come you will see earthquakes that will startle you because as sin increases the land will manifest greater than it ever has.” He speaks next about the importance of who becomes the next president which we now know is President Trump. “The next person that is elected president…I wish it was possible for the Holy Spirit to raise up a prophet or a great influential minister to be able to go in and warn the president in person, ‘if you divide Jerusalem it is going to destroy America.’ And I believe the next man that runs for next president his greatest thing on his plate will not be the economy; it would not be jobs, it would not be urban renewal. The greatest thing that he would need to be conscientious of is ‘how am I going to handle Jerusalem.’”

We see that God has answered Pastor Kilpatrick’s prayer as President Trump has a godly council and has stood for life and stood for Israel not being divided. When we look at our country, we see how divided it was against Israel in the Obama administration and with some that have carried over even now, and our country is divided within! A country divided cannot stand! We must pray that God will give us grace and mercy as we continue to walk out of the years of being divided against Israel and that also in the next presidential election someone who stands for Israel will be voted in!

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Images Courtesy of Storyblocks.com

Image of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Prophecy: Correlation between sin and the land

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