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Home » “Never Outgrow Humility,” Charles Simpson

“Never Outgrow Humility,” Charles Simpson




We continue the conversation with Charles Simpson as he shares about how we must never outgrow humility. You can find out more on our previous conversations on the VFN Torch HERE.

Charles talks about Thomas, who asked Jesus to show him his scars. And He did. Once Thomas saw the scars, he believed that the man was Jesus. Mike Coleman, the founder of Integrity Music, which was the largest music company in the world, said “People don’t believe because we act like we don’t have scars. We need to show people our scars.” Your testimony is one of the most powerful things you have! It is not bragging about sin but showing others how you failed; you are human just like everyone else. Despite that God still met you!

Charles continues, “Being willing to be vulnerable is very important to evangelism,” because God shows up! The lost can identify with us when we are honest about who we are and where we have been because it is only by grace we have been saved.

They continue the conversation looking at why some Christians think once they have been baptized by fire, with Holy Spirit, that they think they have “arrived.” When we receive Holy Spirit, we are to have the power now, in our short life on earth, so that we can make it to the end! Charles points out the scripture where Paul reminds the Corinthians that in Moses’ time the Israelites were baptized into Moses and ate the same spiritual food and drank the same spiritual drink yet God was not pleased with them all. He is saying that you can have all the spiritual gifts, but God can still not be pleased with you.

God wants to bless us more than we can even imagine, but if He blesses us and then we don’t know how to handle it, it can destroy us! We must walk humbly with God. Brother Charles said, “I don’t think we should ever outgrow humility.” We must know that every gift that we have and everything that we have is only by God’s grace.

What do you think about the importance of humility in a Christians life? We want to hear from you! Write to us at [email protected] or in the VFNKB Community HERE.

Image courtesy of Storyblocks.com


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