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Home » WATCH! Fathering Brings Security + “Honoring (others) Should Be Our Life” Charles Simpson

WATCH! Fathering Brings Security + “Honoring (others) Should Be Our Life” Charles Simpson




Having a Good Father Gives Security in Who You Are! Charles Simpson

We continue the conversation with Charles Simpson. You can find out more on our previous conversations on the VFN Torch HERE.

What would you say to someone who is or has been in the place of being fatherless? The enemy is stealing the father away, and even fathers do not want to be fathers. The father needs to come back into that role because there is such a reward in being family! Brother Charles says many people are driven by ambition because they didn’t have the affirmation or security that comes with having a father. So, they try to prove they are worthy and important. “Having a good father and mother gives you security without having to earn security in your accomplishments…we live in a very insecure world because of the family dissolution.”

Even the earth responds to the father not being in his role!

“See, I will send the prophet Elijah to you before that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes. He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents; or else I will come and strike the land with total destruction.” Malachi 4:5-6

“It is the restoration of fathers and sons that keep grace alive and keep hope alive…the dissolution of fathers and sons…where they don’t pass on identity and security; I think causes people to strive for that sometimes in very bad ways.”

There is a place in us that we all want a father, and we were created to want and need a father! Which would be one reason why God is called Father God. Living in family is the only way to live because God wants us to live that way says, Charles. Be sure to watch or listen to hear more.

What are your thoughts? We want to hear from you! Write to us at [email protected] or in the VFNKB Community HERE.

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“Honoring Should Be Our Life” Charles Simpson

We continue the conversation with Charles Simpson. You can find out more on our previous conversations on the VFN Torch HERE.

Love is important and vital in the Kingdom of God! Our love for each other in the body of Christ bears witness to the world that we are followers of Jesus Christ.

 “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:35

Loving someone is also honoring them, which can be manifested by serving someone. What we honor can tell others who we are. “Whatever we honor is what we get more of,” says Charles. In the world today we don’t honor good things, many bad things are honored, so we are getting more bad things manifested in the world.

“Whatever you honor you not only get more of and replicate, but you receive the blessings…whatever God is honoring we should be honoring it.” If you see God’s hand on someone you should honor that.

Charles shares a story that in the early 1970s he was in a church and was preaching in the middle of summer. He sweated through his clothes, and a man came up and took it as his job to serve and honor Charles to help him get cleaned up so that he could preach again. This man was well known as a servant and earned the name Brother Love. He ministered to Charles more than any sermon or pastor could have because he served and honored him.

“Whatever you honor, you get the blessing of God.” Honoring should be our life as Christians! At one point in America there was a cultural honor, but that is no longer the case. As men have stopped being honored in the home, so it has spread through the cultural to where there is no more honor! Be sure to watch or listen to hear more.

What are your thoughts about honor? We want to hear from you! Write to us at [email protected] or in the VFNKB Community HERE.

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