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Home » Kendrick Brothers Overcomer Movie and Their Focus for being Light in the Arts & Entertainment Mountain

Kendrick Brothers Overcomer Movie and Their Focus for being Light in the Arts & Entertainment Mountain



The Kendrick Brothers are hugely impacting the Arts & Entertainment Mountain of Culture with powerfully life-impacting, heart enlightening movies that reflect the love of God in the everyday life of humanity.  Being interviewed about their new movie, Overcomer, on the Wally Show, Wally asked “Has anyone ever come to you and asked you to tone down a bit to have a wider audience?”  He was speaking of how overt Alex and Stephen Kendrick are about the truth of Jesus Christ and the Gospel.  Alex joking replied, “Only people who hate Jesus.”  Alex goes on to share that their goal in their major movie successes and future movies is to be “bold and upfront” and to “mainly edify the church to be the church.”  “If we carry the flavor of salt, then we’re still impacting our culture that Jesus asks us to.” He goes on to say, “we don’t want to blend in so much in the culture that you can’t tell the difference.”  Stephen says,

“We’re making the kind of movies we want to see.  I want to laugh. I want to cry.  I can take my whole family to see it…my Lord is not trampled on the screen; He’s honored. In our movies we do this scary thing to culture, we honor the name of Jesus in our films. Jesus did both with parables that were subtle stories that were to non-believers, then He was overt with the Sermon on the Mount to His disciples. We first go after the church because God is going to reach the world with a revived church. We want the church to be as bright and as salty as possible. What we’ve seen is bleed over, because what we have seen is believers will use our movies to lead others to Christ.” 

Thank you, Kendrick Brothers, for shining so bright in the Arts & Entertainment Mountain!  

Image courtesy of Youtube.com Wally Show

The Kendrick Brothers, Mandisa, and All Things “Overcomer” | Full Interview
The Kendrick Brothers
Overcoming Movie

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