Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Home » God Responds to Your Hunger!

God Responds to Your Hunger!




Many people want to experience the presence and the glory of God, but what is the key to being touched by Him? It is a hunger for Him! God will respond to hunger. We can’t put our own words on what God is doing, we can pray simply when we are praying for others and to experience His glory and God will touch that person and respond to hunger! We can be a vessel to allow God to use us. We must walk in the fear of the Lord and be ready because this next move of God He will move differently. We must be ready to love and accept people where they are at as we see and participate in the harvest of souls coming in. Get ready! Watch or listen to hear the full conversation.

Image courtesy of Storyblocks.com



Emmaus Road Discipleship

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