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Home » We Are All Called to Serve the Lord in Love!

We Are All Called to Serve the Lord in Love!




Greg looks back at when he and Pat attended The Harvest Summit at Rick Joyner’s ministry, MorningStar. We are reminded that when we start a relationship with Jesus Christ it is a process to move into another deeper level of sonship with Him. Many have to be delivered from a slave mentality as they start a relationship with Him. Rick Joyner said he had to be delivered from this thought process! Also it can be easy to fall into a religious spirit where we feel that there should be time limits on what a person can do for the Lord if someone falls to sin or has just been saved. Like Mary of Bethany, a former prostitute, anointed Jesus’ feet, there was no time limit from her repentance and deliverance to be able to do that! The religious people wanted her to stop what she was doing, but Jesus said to leave her alone. Mary understood more than the “religious” people who Jesus is. We are called to serve the Lord too, but to serve Him in love, not in a religious spirit. As we do this we must walk under godly authority that we have been called to follow and submit to. We must not seek our own counsel but seek the Lord in our abiding times and hear what He is saying through your spiritual leadership too.

If you need a plan to abide with the Lord you get your free plan HERE and start your abiding relationship with Jesus today! Be sure to watch or listen to hear the full conversation and be encouraged. We want to hear from you. Write to us at [email protected] or in the VFNKB Community HERE.

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