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Home » In This Life You Will Have Trouble but Jesus Has Overcome the World! Charles Simpson

In This Life You Will Have Trouble but Jesus Has Overcome the World! Charles Simpson




In our everyday lives, we can look at the weather, the different months of the year, and see that there are seasons throughout the year. Though you may be in one season, it will not last forever, as it is only a matter of time before the present season comes to an end and the next season begins. This is EXACTLY how it is in our walk with Jesus. Though we may experience storms today, they will not be forever. Just HOLD ON! God has good plans in store! This is precisely the wisdom that Charles Simpson shared as he sat down and talked with Greg about these important days.

 Charles Simpson shares a profoundly wise perspective of a woman giving birth to a child. “A lot of things look bad. But they’re the birth. You know birth is a potential death for both mother and child. But, the Bible says that a woman has sorrow in childbirth, but rejoices because the child is born.” Yes, there is rejoicing to be experienced in this life, but it does not come without the sorrows. As Simpson continues, he points out how the Church has removed the importance of the Cross, the suffering of Christ. If we remove the acknowledgement and reality of the Cross from the Gospel and the presentation of the Gospel, than we cannot make sense when WE experience suffering and sorrow in our own lives.

It’s so important that we understand this fact and vital part of the Gospel. Paul talked very openly about the hardships he experienced, even having to endure literal storms in order to reach others for the sake of Jesus. If we don’t see that reality, we get defeated the moment the storm comes. If we see ourselves in the bottom of a situation, without understanding that Paul endured a time in the bottom of the boat, we won’t hold on. It is in this paradigm, that Simpson underscores the importance of holding on to our confidence. “If we don’t cast away our confidence. Hebrews 10:35”.

Maybe this is you. You’ve been caught up and focused on the repeated cycle of storm after storm, hardship after hardship, and lost sight that God has good plans in store for you. Instead of trying to figure out God through the gymnastics of your mind, He is received in our hearts through faith, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is so exciting, especially if we’re in the middle of a storm.

See the full conversation with Charles Simson about understanding the seasons of life, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: birthing, pain, suffering, child birth, seasons, storms, the Cross of Christ, persecution, process and hope. Charles Simpson and Greg Lancaster shared in this segment.

Image courtesy of Storyblocks.com


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