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Home » “Greatest sin to give Jesus’ attention to inferior things,” Eric Gilmour 

“Greatest sin to give Jesus’ attention to inferior things,” Eric Gilmour 



Nathan Morris, with Shake the Nations, and Eric Gilmour, with Sonship International, share what is the greatest sin for us to do. There are many distractions in the world that want to steal our time and attention. What is truly important for us to focus on? It is Jesus!

Nathan and Eric continue the conversation and you can see the full conversation HERE. “The greatest sin in the world is to give the attention He [Jesus] deserves to things far inferior to Him,” says Eric. You can be serving the Lord, working for Him but you can lose sight of Him in the middle of His work! But Jesus said,

“Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'” Matthew 7:22-23

We are not known by what we do but who we are to God and who He is to us! We must not lose sight of Who it is we are doing the work for.

Nathan shares that he wants to tell people who love God and are busy for Him and are doing great things for him that, “Sometimes we can get lost in that as well, where we lose sight of Jesus for doing things for Him, rather than unto Him.”

“We see the perfect picture in Ephesus,” says Eric. “They toiled, which means they labored even in the midst of pain they continue on. They had great doctrine, they could tell who was false and who wasn’t…they stayed away from sin. Scripture said they had no tolerance for evil. So, you have all three of these things and we would all deem those things to be a successful Christian life. Jesus said, ‘I have something against you. You’ve left loving Me and because you’ve left loving me, if you don’t turn around and come back to loving Me, I will take away from you what you think you have.’ It is very important. Jesus doesn’t play with this. If He doesn’t get the heart, He doesn’t get what He wanted.” With Jesus He wants 100%! Living a life that is partially right, is not loving Jesus. We must live fully committed to loving Him! “If there is no love unto God, first and foremost, then everything we do is worthless.”

G. Campbell Morgan said, “No amount of activity in the Kingdom in the King’s service will make up for the neglect of the King. Any service that is not issued out of first love is not recognized by God.”

It’s wonderful that God is not religious but wants relationship with us! It is about intimate love with Him. He is not a distant God; He wants to be close to us. We should be encouraged and if you have left your first love with Jesus you can turn back today! We want to hear from you! Write to us at [email protected] or in the VFNKB Community HERE. Greg shared in this segment.

Image courtesy of Storyblocks.com

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