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California Shuts Down Church, BUT GOD had something to say about that!


#FEAR “You don’t need an #Army to #Conquer a #Nation, all you need is #FEAR..” Pastor John MacArthur – “The #Proof of one thing that is coming out of all this [How our Government and society reacting to this Covid-19 Virus] is, you don’t need an #Army to #Conquer a #Nation, all you need is #FEAR… 99.99% of Californian’s will survive [Covid-19].” John MacArthur

#California #ShutsDown #Church, BUT #GOD had something to say about that!

INTERVIEW August 24, 2020 Pastor John MacArthur, Grace Church, California

Question: Allie Beth Stuckey, “Can you briefly give us an update the latest attempts by the #CaliforniaGovernment to inhibit your churches #Right to #Worship?”

Answer: John MacArthur, “They [California Government] was trying to #Enforce a #CourtOrderthat didn’t exist. We were trying to show to the #Court that there was no court order…So, the Judge says, there is no violation of a court order, there is #NoContemptof #Court and [the judge] said that Grace Church is the only church in California that is free to worship indoors and you can’t get another #Injunctionagainst them this week either. So, they are #FreeToMeet this coming Sunday. The judge actually said to them, ‘this is the third time you’ve come to court trying to get an injunction to keep these people from having church what is your #Objective in this? So, he was not favorable to this continued effort in the courts to #ShutUsDown.

“Their [California’s government] is to

place upon us such onerous requirements that are #Impossible for us to meet. It’s about an inch thick of health requirements that we could never possibly come up to. So, it would essentially be a SHUTDOWN. They keep pushing for all of those [about an inch thick of regulations]. They won’t take a mitigated list of those things or a smaller list. They want the whole thing [all their onerous requirements met]. So, it’s essentially, a SHUTDOWN.”

Question: Allie Beth Stuckey, “…How did you come to the decision [your church] was going to start meeting again?”

Answer: John MacArthur, “Yea, at the very outset we were told that #Millions of people were going to #Die. Millions of #Americans were going to die. It was going to be something like the #SpanishFlu back in 1918. So, we didn’t want to kill anybody obviously. So we said if this is as #Deadly as we’re hearing we need to obey what the #Leaders are telling us. So, I said, we’ll do a #LiveStream, translate it into five languages and it went around the world and our people watched on television. After about three or four weeks, they [church members] started to come back. We didn’t say anything, they knew I was preaching in the worship center every Sunday; they just started coming back. A first there were dozens, then hundreds, and then there were thousands. They began to realize the #Narrative [that was being shared with America about Covid-19] did not match #Reality. When it became apparent that 99.99% of Californian’s will survive [Covid-19], [members of his church, Grace Community Church] didn’t believe this was a legitimate fear. They just said we’re adults, we’re going to make our own decision. We didn’t say anything about them coming back. We didn’t mandate [them coming back to gather at the church]. We just wanted to see if the people would decide on their own when #Reality took over from the, I think, #PurposefulFear that was #ThrownOut at #Everybody at the beginning.”

Question: Allie Beth Stuckey, “Where you surprised that this has caused such an uproar both in the secular world, but also in the church. You have some evangelicals that has been pushing back on ya’ll decision. Did that shock you at all?”

Answer: John MacArthur, “It doesn’t shock me for a number of reasons. The number one reason is that #Pragmatism has such an impact on the church. The church is more concerned about what the #UnbelievingWord thinks of it than it is about #Ministering to the #Saints. The church has become an #Event to #Attrack #NonBelievers. So, if you are going to do that, then you have to #BuyInto the #ConventialAttitudes of [the nonbeliever] so that you don’t #Offend them if that is your goal. That is what #PragmaticGoals will do. Then you got to #GoWithTheFlow of the #Culture, you can’t go against that. So, from my standpoint, the only #StockAndTrade we [as the Church] have is #TheTruth. The #Church is the #Pillar and ground of the #Truth. We want our people to know the TRUTH about the #Bible, but the #ApostlePaul said, #Preach the #Word #InSeason and #OutOfSeason. When he meant by that is preach the word in relation to the #Season you are in. #Jesus said to the #Pharisees and #Scribes, you can tell the weather, but you don’t know the #SeasonOfRedemption you are in. I think being able to understand what is going on and to preach in accordance with that #WithoutAttacking the #Culture, without #ShamingPeople in any way. We have to be #People of the TRUTH. We never told our people that we #BuyIn to the #Pandemic. We’ve given them #Statistics [of the facts of the reality of what is actually happening in regards to death and Covid-19] and they have seen them their selves.

In California right now [August, 24, 2020], with COVID, there is ONE DEATH per 100,000 people and they are still #Mandating a #CompleteLockDown and trying to #LockDown #GraceChurch with that #LowDeathRate. So, there is much more to this than any kind of #HealthIssue.”

Question: Allie Beth Stuckey, “I know you can’t speculate, but if you could, what do you think some of the #Motives it is behind a LOCKDOWN that just doesn’t seem to correlate with science. Maybe in relation to just shutting down things like worship?

Answer: Pastor John MacArthur, “We did a little study. First of all the number of #Deaths in #California this year [2020] from January to August is #Exactly the #Rate it has been going since the last #10Years. There are about 15 more deaths this year, per 100,000, by ALL MEANS OF DEATH, than there were in 2019. This is not an #Epidemic. The numbers indicate that something else is going on.”

#Mask is another issue. If you want to go around with a #BacterialZoo on your face and think that is going to make your health, then I don’t think you are thinking very deeply about that.”

“The #Proof of one thing that is coming out of all this [How our Government and society reacting to this Covid-19 Virus] is, you don’t need an #Army to #Conquer a #Nation, all you need is #FEAR. You could literally overpower (look this country has ten’s of thousands of lives to gain our #Freedom and people are going to GIVE IT ALL UP because the #Government is going to #Protect them from some #NebulousVirus. It shows you the #Weakness of this #Generation. It shows you the susceptibility to #Suggestion, an the ease in which FEAR CAN DOMINATE PEOPLE not related to reality. The FEAR IS SO GREAT if you don’t do what you are supposed to do you get #Yelled at in very many places. It is a #PalpableFear that people have.”

Question: Allie Beth Stuckey, “Can you give some #Encouragement to people who maybe they are in a church where their #Pastor is not taking the same #Stand that you are, but they wish that they were. And it’s just that they are #Afraid, afraid of #EncroachingRestrictions by the #Government on things like #FreedomOfWorship and maybe they are looking to the horizon and they are seeing the possibility of #MoreSevere #Persecution of #Christians in this country [America]. Maybe they are not afraid of the #Virus, but they are afraid of that and they just don’t know what to do when they don’t see enough leader standing up. What would be your encouragement to that Christian right now?”

Answer: Pastor John MacArthur, “…do not forsake the coming together [as the church] …you just don’t have anything to fear of this virus because the statistics are just so minuscule. I’ll give you one statistic.

In California, the average death of COVID is 78 [years of age]. In California, the average death NORMALLY is 78 [years of age].

So, there is not a significant difference from this virus than any other normal year. You have to do that examination [of the facts] to where you can satisfy your own mind…we often say, ‘We are not concerned about people dying from COVID, I’m concerned about people dying in #Sin. 100% of the people that are ALIVE are going to #Die and after that the #Judgement. We need to be the #Light for the #Gospel. I tell Pastors to have church, have church, and let #Christ #DefendYou.”



VOTE: November 3, 2020 #2020Election


(1) Question: Allie Beth Stuckey, Can you briefly give us an update the latest attempts by the #CaliforniaGovernment to inhibit your churches #Right to #Worship? | https://youtu.be/3stqDme3MSY?t=15

(2) Question: Allie Beth Stuckey, “…How did you come to the decision [your church] was going to start meeting again?” | https://youtu.be/3stqDme3MSY?t=119

(3) Question: Allie Beth Stuckey, “Where you surprised that this has caused such an uproar both in the secular world, but also in the church. You have some evangelicals that has been pushing back on ya’ll decision. Did that shock you at all?” | https://youtu.be/3stqDme3MSY?t=223

(4) Question: Allie Beth Stuckey, “I know you can’t speculate, but if you could, what do you think some of the #Motives it is behind a LOCK DOWN that just doesn’t seem to correlate with science. Maybe in relation to just shutting down things like worship? | https://youtu.be/3stqDme3MSY?t=345

(5) Question: Allie Beth Stuckey, “Can you give some #Encouragement to people who maybe they are in a church where their #Pastor is not taking the same #Stand that you are, but they wish that they were. And it’s just that they are #Afraid, afraid of #EncroachingRestrictions by the #Government on things like #FreedomOfWorship and maybe they are looking to the horizon and they are seeing the possibility of #MoreSevere #Persecution of #Christians in this country [America]. Maybe they are not afraid of the #Virus, but they are afraid of that and they just don’t know what to do when they don’t see enough leader standing up. What would be your encouragement to that Christian right now?



Emmaus Road Discipleship

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