LISTEN NOW! or WATCH FULL PROGRAM! Greg, John, and Pat share about the importance of what is discussed in Dr. Alveda King’s book, King Rules. Dr. King writes about ‘the battle for civil rights in America proved that guns and the second amendment are not the problem as during the civil rights movement
bats, poles, and dogs were used to harm people in the movement.’ The only answer is love. The only answer powerful enough is the love of God that will change the hearts of men. At the height of Jesus’ betrayal in the Garden, Jesus responded in love, as the church our first and only response is to be the same. Find out the details, truths, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: King Rules, Dr. Alveda King, love, truth, persecution, betrayal, 2nd Amendment and evil. See original article HERE.
bats, poles, and dogs were used to harm people in the movement.’ The only answer is love. The only answer powerful enough is the love of God that will change the hearts of men. At the height of Jesus’ betrayal in the Garden, Jesus responded in love, as the church our first and only response is to be the same. Find out the details, truths, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: King Rules, Dr. Alveda King, love, truth, persecution, betrayal, 2nd Amendment and evil. See original article HERE.
Courtesy of Aleksandar Mijatovic/Shutterstock.com
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