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Home » Jeri Hill, Where do Revival’s Start, Graveyard for pastors, Secret to Revival, Living for Eternity (Part 1 of 2)

Jeri Hill, Where do Revival’s Start, Graveyard for pastors, Secret to Revival, Living for Eternity (Part 1 of 2)


Remembering the Wonders of the Lord, The Brownsville Revival – 08:15 – 15:46

In this memorable moment, Greg has and exciting discussion with Jeri Hill, wife of the late Evangelist Steve Hill who was part of the Brownsville Revival that touched tens of thousands of people in Pensacola Florida. What many people don’t know is the integral moments and life decisions that led up to that memorable moment. God had a plan, and His hand was moving through the lives of Steve and Jeri Hill mightily and powerfully.

Remembering those beginning days of the Brownsville Revival, Jeri talks about what the Lord was doing in her heart and in Steve’s heart challenging them beyond what they though possible. God was showing them “more than what we could ever imagine ourselves to be and to be .” Jeri continues to talk about their choices to live this way each and every day. “Live in righteousness. Live in the will of God. Live committed.” This is what the Lord was doing, not just in Steve and Jeri’s hearts, but in everyone’s hearts.

What is so profound to learn is that the day that the Brownsville Revival started, Father’s Day 1995, wasn’t planned in anyway. As Jeri shares, Steve had only planned on being there for just that one service. “That was the only date he had open because he was scheduled to go all around the world in different places. Even two weeks from the Revival, he was supposed to be in the Czech Republic.” Even though Steve and Jeri was only planning on being there for one day, Jeri sensed the Lord was up to something. As she told Steve, “I really feel like the Pastor is going to ask you to stay.” Steve had already made up his mind NOT to stay as the family had just welcomed a new baby and they had a family vacation already planned.  Even though the family had plans already in place, Jeri held these plans with open hands before the Lord, “whatever you want God, Yes, you know, be a soldier and just do it”. Just as Jeri had felt the Lord impressing on her, Pastor John Kilpatrick did in fact ask Steve to stay. With the new invite to Pensacola, Steve and Jeri had planned on being in Pensacola, FL for one week. God had other plans in mind. As Jeri plainly puts it, “Steve would have never stayed if people were not getting saved and not getting right with God”.

Not only were Steve and Jeri surprised at what the Lord was doing, everyone was surprised. Greg recalls his own memories of that unforgettable day as well, ‘[Steve] was like a firebrand. We were praying for him and he was praying for us. It was so powerful, and we still didn’t connect. We had no idea. He did, but we had no idea what was going to happen…till it happened’. That first message Remembering the Wonders of the Lord, was what began it all. Steve shared his message and then continued to tell everyone present that he was going to pray for them. Greg remembers the first time Steve prayed for him and laid hands on Greg, “[Steve] starts praying, and its progressive. As soon as he barely touched my head, just barely touched my head and said, ‘More Lord’, it’s like an angel shoved me back under the Power of God. I went down under the Glory of God and just been changed ever since”. Moments after Steve started praying for people, he instructed everyone to get their children, as the children were in a nearby classroom in the same building. Steve gathered all the children into a circle. A little girl that Steve prayed for was Greg’s daughter, Amber. Greg remembers how he was impacted the moment Steve prayed for Amber, “as soon as he touched her, it was like all the air went out of me. And all of a sudden, shooo, like a new spirit came into me.”


What is the Greatest Thing that Keeps Us from Sharing the Gospel?

There was a mighty move of God that started in the small Gulf Coast city of Pensacola FL that ended up reaching the world, The Brownsville Revival. This was the moment that was such a significant shift for so many people. It was as if there was a line drawn in the sand signifying the moment before Father’s Day 1995, and the moment after. Everything was different. Everything. Steve Hill was the evangelist that preached the Gospel every night with Pastor John Kilpatrick. Steve ended up bringing his wife, Jeri, and their three children in response to what the Lord was doing.  Steve knew it wasn’t just about those who were present that particular day. He would tell everyone, “GO TELL SOMEBODY!” He did everything he could to get the message out. Both Steve and Jeri lived their lives with other people in mind, always. Greg recently had the privilege of sitting down with Jeri Hill and remembering these beginning days as well as their time evangelizing the world for Jesus Christ.

In the West, In America, it appears that the only thing that ever really matters, is self. We are inundated with every imaginable comfort and convenience known to man. This is not so in the rest of the world. Steve and Jeri and been evangelists for many years leading up to this moment in many areas throughout the world, and they witnessed firsthand the stark contrasts of lifestyles in the rest of the world. Jeri recalls looking back on her life as she has traveled to 60 different countries, how the Lord wants us to respond to people, no matter what country we’re in.

“What God is wanting us to be as Christians, is that every single one of us operate in the gift of …Evangelism, sharing their faith with people.” Jeri highlights how much the importance of the Love of Christ, just like people talk about the love of their life, “we are supposed to have our First Love and that First Love makes you want to talk about Him, and share Him with others, especially if you’ve been rescued from a life of sin and bondage”. The beauty of Jesus, as Jeri continues to share is, “we don’t have to keep Him to ourselves, we can share Him with everybody”.  Could it be that the very absence of the Love of Christ keeps people from sharing the Gospel with others?

It was this devoted love for Christ that drove each and everyday that Steve and Jeri Hill lived for Jesus. As Jeri shares, “when Steve and I got saved, we knew from the very beginning that our lives would not be our own anymore. It was God’s. We didn’t want  to rule our lives. We didn’t want comfort to rule our lives”. That begs the question for all of us, how do we get out of our selfishness? When presented this sobering reality, Jeri reminds us of Galatians 2:20, “I have been  with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” The crucified life is a direct assault on the selfish life. If Jesus calls us to live dead to ourselves, you can basically say that we shouldn’t be getting our feelings hurt all the time. As Greg reminds us, “dead feelings don’t hurt”.

Jeri highlights how the reality of Eternity drives her everyday decisions, “one day I am going to be held accountable to God and actually I live today like I’m accountable to Him”. Unfortunately, there are many people who don’t live their lives this way, even after professing to have a relationship with Jesus. As Steve Hill said many times, “religion is hanging around the Cross, but Christianity is getting on the Cross”.  Jesus made a decision to pay the price to demonstrate His love for us by being crucified for our sake, how could we not make a decision and pay the price to live out the crucified life everyday to demonstrate our life for Him? As Greg highlights, “this is our opportunity…this is our moment”. Jeri also shares about the mandate the Lord has called her to carry out even after Steve has gone on to be with the Lord and continue sharing about the Lord’s goodness and His glory.


Where do Revival Start?

Father’s Day 1995 The Lord Himself did a mighty work when He poured out His presence in Pensacola Florida during the Brownsville Revival that resulted in the nations being reached with mighty testimonies of His Glory and many coming to Salvation through Jesus Christ. Steve Hill was the Evangelist who labored alongside Pastor John Kilpatrick night after night as thousands of souls repented for their sins and wept in the sweet presence of Holy Spirit. Jeri, Steve’s wife was also there night after night responding to the call to grow ever closer to the Lord.

In a recent conversation, Jeri Hill talks about how this awesome, mighty move of God revived all of those who were present and changed lives forever, “we had been set free and that day we got revived”. It’s not about a large gathering being revived, but a single heart. This is the very thing that so many people may have never experienced. As Greg points out, that there are many pastors who don’t have this, “they don’t want to tell people but they’re just dead…they do what you gotta do, they been marrying and burying, they’re digging for message but they’re not digging for God”. There is so much more than religion. This is what people who are in love with Jesus wants the world to know, there is major difference between religion and relationship. If you are that pastor, if you feel completely dry in the things of God, you are not alone. With one touch of God’s glory, you can begin again. There are people that are continuing to testify right now, how God’s glory has touched their life and changed everything!

So many people feel empty and dry in their everyday routine. Greg speaks directly to those hearts, “Don’t quit. Don’t give up. Don’t leave your marriage. Don’t leave your family. There’s nothing out there that’s gonna satisfy you like God is going to satisfy you.” We pray that the Lord would touch your life right now. God has a mighty plan for your life. “Burn all the bridges, all the little things you’ve set up…turn everything over to God and God is going to change your life. It’s not gonna be defined by what you’re presently in. Just don’t worry about all of that. Don’t try to define your future by where you are because it’s going to be so different.” We believe that God would touch you so mightily that revival would stir mightily in your heart and start a fire brand that would continue through your entire community for all to see.


THE GRAVEYARD OF PASTORS! The Power of a Yes Walked Out in Faithfulness?

Father’s Day 1995 The Lord Himself did a mighty work when He poured out His presence in Pensacola Florida during the Brownsville Revival that resulted in the nations being reached with mighty testimonies of His Glory and many coming to Salvation through Jesus Christ. Steve Hill was the Evangelist who labored alongside Pastor John Kilpatrick night after night as thousands of souls repented for their sins and wept in the sweet presence of Holy Spirit. Jeri, Steve’s wife was also there night after night responding to the call to grow ever closer to the Lord.

When we look at the lives of those who labored so faithfully before the Lord, many people want to live that same life. Unfortunately, many people don’t see the price that was continually willing to be paid in order to walk out that life. Truth be told, there is a price to be paid. Jeri recently said, “When [Steve and I] got saved, we did not want to live for ourselves. We wanted it to be totally sold out for [the Lord], for whatever He wanted and to say yes to Him every step of the way”. So, is it really as simple as saying yes? Jeri responds with a resounding yes! She continues to share how the first yes led to more opportunities to say yes to. “When things happened at Brownsville, we had already been in ministry for twenty years. We had been married for 16 years. It’s not something that happens overnight. Show the Lord that you’re faithful in the little things. If He can’t find you faithful in the little things, how can we do something more for Him? We have to be faithful in the smallest of things.”

In a recent conversation with Daniel Day, Jeri recounts the journey that Steve and Jeri walked out being faithful to the Lord when they felt led to share the Gospel in a region that was known as the “Graveyard of Pastors” because every pastor who had ever attempted to go there, ended up leaving. After arriving in this region, Steve and Hill began seeking the Lord for a piece of land. After Steve began a friendly relationship over a period of time playing tennis with a young man named Gustavo, Gustavo said, “I want you to meet my mom”. After Steve was introduced to Gustavo’s mother, she said, “I want you to meet my brother”, who just so happened to be the mayor of the city. The mayor clearly recognized the transformation in his nephew’s life and wanted to help Steve do what he could so the children in the city could be touched and transformed in the same way. Steve responded, “well, I need a piece of land, but I don’t have any money for a piece of land.” The mayor hands Steve a written note and directs him down the hall and who to give the note too. Without looking at the note, Steve obediently hands the note to who he was directed to go to. This person reads the note, pulls down a map, and says, “the mayor says you can take your pick”. Jeri recounts visiting that same location years later after Steve had gone on to be with the Lord, she learned that this original Church gathering had gone on to plant another 25 churches. “That is how it explodes. One person ministering to somebody playing tennis and look how it exploded from that”. The most beautiful testimony of this story is the countless children who were first impacted years ago, are now still faithfully loving on others in the city and planting Churches for the Lord.


What is the Secret to Revival?

Father’s Day 1995 The Lord Himself did a mighty work when He poured out His presence in Pensacola Florida during the Brownsville Revival that resulted in the nations being reached with mighty testimonies of His Glory and many coming to Salvation through Jesus Christ. Steve Hill was the Evangelist who labored alongside Pastor John Kilpatrick night after night as thousands of souls repented for their sins and wept in the sweet presence of Holy Spirit. Jeri, Steve’s wife was also there night after night responding to the call to grow ever closer to the Lord.  

Years before the Brownsville Revival was ever on anyone’s radar, Steve and Jeri were ministering in Argentina under Carlos Annacondia. During one of the many hot and humid days sharing the Gospel in the hot South American sun, Jeri was asked if she wanted to know the secret to revival? Jeri was led to the side of the platform and then the skirt of the platform was pulled away so that Jeri could see what was taking place, under the platform“You see all of these ladies under there wailing before God, wailing that God would move in people’s lives, that He would transform them. They were weeping for the lost.” These women were under the platform where Carlos Annacondia was preaching.  Jeri continues to talk about the conditions all of these women were in, “no air conditioning, hot, everybody’s ”.   

As a past guest speaking with Sid Roth ‘It’s Supernatural’, Steve Hill recounts when he was in South America at the height of the Argentine Revival, and the mighty testimonies of what the Lord was doing through the life of Carlos Annacondia“Went to his crusade, twenty to thirty thousand people out in an open field, bunch a light bulbs just hanging, naked light bulbs hanging everywhere, no big fanfare. Just this man who had authority. He had authority over darkness.” It wasn’t just the people who were being impacted by the power of God. Steve continued, “as far as the eye could see, people were hit by the power, thrown to the ground. People that were walking down the sidewalks, not even paying attention to him would be thrown to the ground and start shaking under the power.” Steve was overcome with hunger for what Carlos had. As Steve shared, “Jesus, whatever this man has, Jesus, Peter’s shadow healed the sick, and this is the closest thing I’ve ever seen to that, I want what he has”. Steve highlights the sobering reality of how important hunger is for the things of God. “You better get  my friend. If you want be used of God, you gotta have a hunger. You gotta have a craving for that, and I got that.” This is what it’s all about.  

The Coming Glory of God in the Glory Zone

Father’s Day 1995 The Lord Himself did a mighty work when He poured out His presence in Pensacola Florida during the Brownsville Revival that resulted in the nations being reached with mighty testimonies of His Glory and many coming to Salvation through Jesus Christ. Steve Hill was the Evangelist who labored alongside Pastor John Kilpatrick night after night as thousands of souls repented for their sins and wept in the sweet presence of Holy Spirit. Jeri, Steve’s wife was also there night after night responding to the call to grow ever closer to the Lord.  

In a recent conversation, Jeri and Greg talk about the testimonies of the Lord and how the Lord is going to pour out His Spirit in a mighty way again. As Greg shares, the Lord has shown him the nations coming to the Gulf Coast, “The Glory Zone”. “Brownsville was small compared to what I saw”. People who are famous in their nations, were coming to the Gulf Coast just to operate a camera, capturing the Glory of God, willing to do the work of ministry.  

As Jeri shares, she’s beginning to see that take place as she is involved with Christ For All Nations. Under the leadership of Daniel KolendaBoot Camp Evangelism is raising up Evangelists to go out to the nations. Jeri is involved in this ministry as well as one of their Evangelism Coaches. Daniel Kolenda is launching Nations Church in Orlando, FL. If you are in the Orlando area, it’s time to get connected. Jesus Image with Michael Koulianos is also reaching the nations for Jesus Christ with the Good News of the Gospel reaching out evangelizing. As Jeri explains, “they are letting Holy Spirit overtake them”. She continues, “when you let Holy Spirit overtake you, its letting Him change your mind, because we get our opinions from the world, and so if we get so full of the Word of God it’s changing our mind, it’s changing our will to God’s will, and it’s changing our emotion so that we are not depressed, cast down, beaten up, and discouraged…” This is how we are able to recognize what God is speaking, and how He is leading, “but we are all emotionally in tune with what God wants to do. He wants to be in charge of our mind, our will, and our emotions, our spirit man, and be victorious over the flesh.” Jeri continues to talk about how her relationship with the Lord has changed and developed the more she walks with the Lord, “I’ve been serving Him for 45 years now and it only gets more intense and more exciting. There’s nothing like it in this world.”  This is our only moment in time to do something for our Lord and King. This is our only opportunity to do something for God. It’s time to get in and to get involved in what God is doing. Jeri also talks about the ministry that she is involved in, Ryan’s Hope, named after her son who passed away. This ministry is directed towards helping men of all ages needing help in restoration.   

This is the beauty of living a life dedicate to the Lord. Even after Steve Hill has gone to be with the Lord, there is still fruit multiplying for the Lord as people are continuing to be touched and reached. Steve has now gone on to be with his first love, and Jeri continues to serve her first love. This is our moment to do the same and live a sold-out life knowing that at any moment, our next breath, can be in eternity.  


Live Every Day Like Its Your Last, Even When Its Your Last

Father’s Day 1995 The Lord Himself did a mighty work when He poured out His presence in Pensacola Florida during the Brownsville Revival that resulted in the nations being reached with mighty testimonies of His Glory and many coming to Salvation through Jesus Christ. Steve Hill was the Evangelist who labored alongside Pastor John Kilpatrick night after night as thousands of souls repented for their sins and wept in the sweet presence of Holy Spirit. Jeri, Steve’s wife was also there night after night responding to the call to grow ever closer to the Lord.  

From the moment that Steve and Jeri gave their lives to the Lord, they gave everything they had to give their Yes to Jesus, up until it was Steve’s last day on this Earth. For decades, Steve Hill was an evangelist who gave every breath to reaching the lost, he even preached at his own funeral. Jeri recalled how quickly Steve’s funeral was setup, “he passed on a Sunday and everything was planned by that Friday and it was done very, very quickly”. Jeri reminded Steve that there would be lost people at this funeral, “if you don’t have something prepared at your funeral, I’ll pick something from one of your messages”.  And that is just what they did. When people were gathered together, remembering the life of someone who gave it all for Jesus, Steve was sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ and the reality that eternity waits us all. Steve Hill quotes Jim Elliot who said, “when it comes time to die, make sure that’s all you have to do” 


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