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Home » Are You Settling for Gold Covered Dust or Dust Covered Gold?

Are You Settling for Gold Covered Dust or Dust Covered Gold?


In the 1960’s and 1970’s God poured out His Spirit in a mighty and powerful way during a sovereign move of God that was known as the Jesus Movement. It seemed as if overnight, suddenly God moved. God spoke to Greg Lancaster, “It’s going to be the 1970’s again”. That next week after receiving that word from the Lord, America pulled out of Afghanistan just like what took place in the 1970’s when America pulled out from Vietnam. It was a confirmation of the word of the Lord. Despite the things that took place in the negative, God was doing some amazingly awesome things! Many people were overcome by the presence of the Lord as Jesus Christ was being revealed to thousands upon thousands. Jack Hollis was one of those men and he recently sat down with Greg to talk about his exciting journey of walking with the Lord.

So often, when we look at what the Lord did in the past, we try to replicate and duplicate that same thing and try to re-invent it. We don’t have to do that at all. Greg reads from Jack’s book, Odyssey in Preparation, “Many well-meaning preachers and teachers have, through the years, taught the concept of refurbishing wineskins to prepare them for the coming new wine. I have been guilty of this in the years past. God is merciful. The idea was to soften them with water, Holy Spirit activity; rub them with oil, anointing; and beat them with a rock, painful significance.” So many of us are guilty of doing this very thing. Instead of trying to revive something, God is always doing a new thing. As Jack points out the reality of that quote, “[God] doesn’t do that. He gives you a new wine skin.” As Greg laughingly points out, “You hit it. You beat it. You rubbed it. You prayed over it. Lets just trust God for something new.”

The question is, what are we settling for? As Jack puts it, “gold covered dust instead of dust covered gold”. Those nuggets of gold are the authentic wisdom moments of God. Don’t leave the wisdom of God behind. Jack shares, “since I’ve wrote that book, I’ve realized that some of the gold from God is dusty because we’re not using it”. As Greg asks in response, “how can we ever think that we know more than Him?

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