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Home » HUMOR MOMENT: Attacked By the Creature From the Black Lagoon?

HUMOR MOMENT: Attacked By the Creature From the Black Lagoon?


In this hilarious humor moment, Greg recalls the moment he decided to workout one beautiful serene night on a picturesque multiple-acre property. Of course, he had to take a leisurely drive in a golf cart to get where he needed to go. Attempting to reach for his water bottle, he was shocked to find some hideous creature attached itself to his water bottle that he had just drank from. Every focus of Greg’s suddenly became getting this creature away from him. After repeatedly thrashing, it was finally propelled away from him. In the darkness of the night, Greg couldn’t find where it landed, until it was the next morning. To his surprise, Greg found the creature was in THE SAME SPOT. He did the best he could to kill it only to find out it wasn’t a bug at all….it was a fishing lure.  


TGLS 02012022

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