Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Home » DANGER AHEAD! “SAFE PLACE”! CAUTION! Don’t Fall from Your First Love

DANGER AHEAD! “SAFE PLACE”! CAUTION! Don’t Fall from Your First Love


Today, there is so much on all our plates to keep us busy and occupied. Even if we are doing things for the Lord, good things, and reputable things, did you know that we can STILL miss the mark? In all the busyness, we can easily find ourselves worn out and exhausted from our daily list of tasks and responsibilities, that all we want is a “safe place” to unwind and exhale. In the present culture, there is a continuing push to be mindful of “safe places.” But what about God? Does God have a safe place? Absolutely and it’s love. We can be doing the things that we believe are right, but if we don’t have love, it all counts for nothing. Be sure to hear the full conversation about understanding the difference between what many people define as love, and what God defines as love, and how you can be one that loves in the eyes of God.   



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