We hear from Jim Caviezel as he speaks about his experience in The Apostle Paul. He also played Jesus in The Passion of the Christ. Greg had an amazing encounter with God through this movie. You need to see it yourself to help you understand how much God loves us to allow this to happen to Jesus. It is an image of what our sin looks like to God. Jesus loves us so much that He took that punishment on for us!
Jim Caviezel is now a part of the cast of The Apostle Paul movie shares much wisdom and great insight in this segment. “By changing one tiny letter (in our name) we can become great in the eyes of God, but it requires us to be little if we wish to be great.” Like how Paul’s name was originally Saul. Saul means “great one,” and Paul means “little one.” God humbles us to use us. “Callings come when we least expect them…God loves each one of us personally, and He is there for us even in our darkest moments of despair.”
Are you going through those dark times or times of testing? We want to hear from you, so we can agree with you and pray for you. We need help in times like this. There is light at the end of this tunnel. Also shared in this segment: VFNKB, Saint Paul, Actor, Film, Mount of Monte Cristo, Richard Harris. Greg and John shared in this segment.
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Actor, Jim Caviezel Shares How He was CALLED TO PLAY THE ROLE OF A LIFETIME; JESUS
We hear from Jim Caviezel as he speaks about his role in The Passion of the Christ. He is talks about when Mel Gibson called to ask him to play Jesus in the Passion of the Christ. He wasn’t trying to get this role because he didn’t know it was even going to happen. Mel Gibson wanted Jim Caviezel because he has the same initials as Jesus Christ and was at the age of 33. He went through many things physically to help this movie accurately depict the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. He went through 5 ½ months of hypothermia, had a heart attack, was struck by lightning, and had his shoulder wrenched out if his socket all during the shooting of the film. “The suffering made my performance, just as it makes our lives…there was a lot of pain and suffering before the resurrection. Your path will be no different, so embrace your cross and race towards your goal…shamelessly express your faith in public. The world needs proud warriors animated by their faith…who risk their names and reputations to take their love for Jesus into the world…It is time for our generation now to accept that call, the call of God urging us to give ourselves entirely to Him….Our whole world is entrenched in sin….indifference is the greatest sin of the 21st century, we must shake off this indifference.”This is the Creator of the universe Who loved us enough to send His Son Jesus into the world to be crucified for us. How could we not be passionate about our love for Jesus? We should not take what Jesus did for us lightly or take sin lightly. You can make Jesus the Lord of your life today! Romans 10:9 “If you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will saved.” We share our stories and how we made our decision for Christ at MeetMyFather; maybe God is calling you to leave something behind to give it all for Jesus. Don’t wait untiltomorrow, make that decision now! We want to hear from you about this. How are you being challenged by this message? Also shared in this segment: Freedom, Saint Maximilian Kolbe, Fiction, Salvation. Greg and John shared in this segment.
WE NEED WARRIORS! Jim Caviezel, Actor who Played Jesus; Challenges Everyman Dies, But Not Every Man Truly Lives; LIVE for Jesus
We hear from Jim Caviezel as he gives a charge to be warriors and to have a warrior mindset. “Set yourselves apart from this corrupt generation; you weren’t made to fit in, you were born to stand out…freedom exist not to do what you like but have the right to do what you ought.” Jim Caviezel goes on to share an excerpt from the movie Braveheart when Mel Gibson stands before his ragtag army. “’Every man dies not every man truly lives…we all must fight for that authentic freedom and live’…You’re not called to blend in you’re called to impact the world.”
We want to help you impact the world at VFNKB. Your success is our success, and our success together is Kingdom Success! “You’re not called to blend in you’re called to impact the world.” We want to hear from you and what you think about this message from Jim Caviezel. Also shared in this segment: Apostle Paul, Army, Sin, Slavery. Greg and John shared in this segment.
courtesy of twitter.com/JimmyCaviezel