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Home » Join US in Prayer as House of Representatives Vote to Add Penalties to 20 Week Abortion Ban

Join US in Prayer as House of Representatives Vote to Add Penalties to 20 Week Abortion Ban

 Courtesy of KonstantinChristian/

LISTEN NOW! There have been numerous bills regarding abortion that have gone before our nation’s leaders. This one being presented to the House of Representatives, The Pain Capable Unborn-Child Protection Act, addresses any abortion after the 20-week mark as criminal in the awareness that these babies can feel the excruciating pain that takes place during such an operation of an abortion. CBN is reporting, that based on the bill, “doctors who violate the law could be subject to fines and up to five years in prison.” This would be a major victory for the Pro-life community.

Realities such as this take on a much different reality when we take into the consideration of God’s heart towards the murder of a child’s life. Often times, someone can comment about the atrocities that took place in Germany as millions of Jewish lives were massacred during the events of the Holocaust. Locals to the area were completely unaware of what was taking place within the walls of the concentration camps. What would response should we have as we drive past the buildings that we know are openly carrying out the same ending of life events? Is it not the same? End abortion and send revival Lord. Hear the full report, an interview with The Family Research Council, and so much more. Greg and John shared in this segment.


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