Faith Takes One more Step
Greg, Pat and Chris discuss that it requires faith to step out and do what God has called you to do, even if it’s a small unction from the Lord to step out boldly in faith. “Faith is walking to the edge of the light you have and then taking one more step”, says Paul Crouch, founder of TBN. They go on to share that you will experience God in that one more step. They recount the story from the Bible where the Centurion came to Jesus and asked to heal his servant and when Jesus said, take me to him the Centurion said, “Just speak the word”. He understood authority and Jesus was moved by his faith and it was at that moment his servant was healed. They share a couple more stories and tell us God is waiting for us to take a step of faith and if we go in to our heads we will kill it. It’s about faith from our heart not our head.
America; Be True to What You said on Paper, said Dr. King
Greg and Pat discuss that the original intent of America is found in the U.S Constitution’s Preamble and in the Declaration of Independence and how many of us do not know. They all discuss how the Constitution is being stripped away because of our lack of knowledge. They discuss the three branches of the Government and how they are being passed over by all the new policies and Czars that are being put in place without check.” America; be true to what you said on paper”, says Dr. King. We are a nation of laws, we do not want to set aside the Constitution but get back to its original intent.
Don’t Give in, Don’t Give up; Persevere
In this abiding moment John, Pat and Chris share the importance of not giving in or giving up and the need to persevere. Many people today try and give up when things get tough. The Bible tells us in Hebrews 10:35-36, “So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.” The word of God instructs us not to throw away our faith and confidence in God but to keep it and hold on to it. The enemy does the complete opposite and does everything in his power to get us to give in and give up. If you are not clear in your vision then Satan is happy to give you one to distract you and get you to stop. However, we are encouraged to persevere; which means to persist in anything undertaken. To persevere means the need to maintain purpose in spite of difficulty, obstacles, and discouragement. God has called us to live by faith; faith that perseveres. They encourage us to have a vision and to stay the course and if we don’t give up or given in our persevering faith will be rewarded by God.
Careful, Careful before you pick up that Stone to throw it
Greg, John, and Pat discuss the Boys Scouts organization alleged lift of banning gay’s from entering, according to CBN. They continue to discuss how many in the church have become blind to their own sin. The question we need to ask is what would Jesus do? We need perspective on this. When Jesus came he didn’t come to change what was going on with the Roman government. He loved on people, taught the truth, and then people where able to leave a life of sin. He was amongst them. He dealt with the religious leaders of the day because they were professing they knew God and they didn’t. Today many Christians are attacking, criticizing, and pointing fingers at those in sin all the while the church is in gross sin itself. How can we stand on a religious soap box saying Gay marriage is wrong when 50 % of Christian marriages are ending in divorce, addicted to internet pornography, and 81 percent of professing believers don’t even read their Bibles according to George Barna. Sin is sin. The question is, how can we be critical of those who have sinned and don’t know God when those who claim to know God refuse to deal with their sin. It’s time to deal with the pole in our eyes before dealing with the speck in others.
Careful, Careful before you pick up that Stone to throw it
Greg, John, and Pat discuss the Boys Scouts organization alleged lift of banning gay’s from entering, according to CBN. They continue to discuss how many in the church have become blind to their own sin. The question we need to ask is what would Jesus do? We need perspective on this. When Jesus came he didn’t come to change what was going on with the Roman government. He loved on people, taught the truth, and then people where able to leave a life of sin. He was amongst them. He dealt with the religious leaders of the day because they were professing they knew God and they didn’t. Today many Christians are attacking, criticizing, and pointing fingers at those in sin all the while the church is in gross sin itself. How can we stand on a religious soap box saying Gay marriage is wrong when 50 % of Christian marriages are ending in divorce, addicted to internet pornography, and 81 percent of professing believers don’t even read their Bibles according to George Barna. Sin is sin. The question is, how can we be critical of those who have sinned and don’t know God when those who claim to know God refuse to deal with their sin. It’s time to deal with the pole in our eyes before dealing with the speck in others.