LISTEN NOW! The conversation continues on as there has been an answer to the prayers of the cry of many hearts. In Matthew 28:19, Jesus commands His disciples, “…go and make disciples of all nations…”. The nations are beautiful. It’s boring and bland if it is only ourselves. The important truth to remember is that, Jesus is not white, He’s God. God desires to pour out His Spirit upon the land. When we look at what God did through William Seymour and the Azusa St Revival, it is a fabulous picture of unity. All the races came together. In 1906, God reached the world through what was done in Azusa Street.
In his ministry through ChurchDiversity.com, Scott Williams brings together a powerful video about his own personal journey of what took place in a casual conversation of two men sharing about their fellowships. This is woven together with the riveting statement: “It’s not a black church. It’s not a white church. It’s God’s church.” Dr. Martin Luther King stated, “11 o’clock on Sunday morning is one of the most segregated hours if not THE most segregated hours in Christian America.” Are we giving up our own kingdoms or are we fighting for our own ways? Isn’t it worth giving up everything for God? God wants us to be open for whoever He wants to save.
In his own words, Rick Joyner shares how African Americans are a deeply wounded people that can bring healing to America. Looking at the present day statistics of African American families can only fully be seen when the realities of slavery and its effects upon families are taken into consideration as well. Everything connects. What we are seeing right now and witnessing, is the hunger and the willingness to bring about what must take place for what God desires to take place. Be encouraged and greatly inspired as you hear of the journey of confirmations and affirmations from the Lord that led to where we are now, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: mindsets, Azusa Street Revival, William Seymour, Torch and the Sword, Promise Keepers, purity, Pearl Harbor, wounding, healing, Jamestown, slavery, revolutionary war, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., segregation, and love. Greg, Pat and John shared in this segment.WATCH FULL PROGRAM!
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True & False Disciples, So That the World would Know
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