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Home » Don’t “Fall” to Evil Suspicions Part 2

Don’t “Fall” to Evil Suspicions Part 2

Courtesy of dizain/

LISTEN NOW! Greg, Pat, and Steve continue the conversation on the impacts and effects of evil suspicions. What would have happened if Eve would have walked away from the devil when she was tempted in the Garden? It is important to be mindful of the words that we open ourselves up to that others say. Imagine swimming in the ocean. If we don’t open our mouths or noses, isn’t it amazing how the ocean doesn’t enter our bodies? It is the same with the thoughts and words of the world. The Bible says, “…the accuser of our brothers and sisters, who accuses them before our God night and day….”- Revelation 12:10. That is what the devil does. He never stops accusing: to each other, to God, even to ourselves. It’s important to understand the realities of those “accusing moments” and how we can respond. Be encouraged and empowered as you learn wisdom on how to be victorious against the devil’s schemes, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: airplanes, phones, cameras, Eve, lies, gossip, intercession, and truth.

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