The Brevity of Life, Seize the Day, Enjoy the Journey and Know Your Final Destination
John, Pat, and Steve share about the fleetingness of this life as one of John’s relatives recently passed away. There is an awareness of how quickly life passes that we sometimes don’t understand until someone close to us does pass. There are certain memories that others have of our lives. How would you be remembered? They share of how to live your life with the greatest focus, and so much more. Also discussed in this segment: funerals, coffee, joy, relationships, and eternity.
2nd Grader told he Can Not Read the Bible in School?
John, Pat, and Steve share about a recent decision in a school that caused a 2nd grader to not be allowed to read the bible, during personal time. How did we get here; and what do we do from here? They continue to talk about encouraging events that are happening with students, the bible, and so much more. Also discussed in this segment: CBN, bible studies, and guns.
Students FIND $40,000 in a Couch they bought for $20
Pat, John, and Steve share a surprising find of some college students who recently purchased a couch. What they find unexpectedly in the couch is not as surprising as how this story ends. Find out how these students responded and so much more. Also discussed in this segment: Salvation Army, couch, integrity, and character.
Streets, Sheets, Chalk & Pencils: Journey of Maturity in Christ
Steve, John, and Pat have an encouraging and humorous conversation as they discuss Steve’s journey. Often times, we can lose sight of the reality that we didn’t just arrive here. It was a journey. We can also forget that where we are is not the end of the story. Will we be faithful where God has placed us on the way to where we are going? Enjoy this laughable moment as they share their own realities and so much more. Also discussed in this segment: college, apartments, discipleship, Village Inn, and relationship.