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Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

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Home » VFNRadio Second Hour May 23, 2013

VFNRadio Second Hour May 23, 2013


More on Moore Oklahoma: God is an ever present Help in Times of Trouble 

LISTEN NOW! John, Greg, and Pat share more regarding the devastation that took place in Moore, Oklahoma when the tornadoes ripped through that city.  They continued to share how so many in that town where living life as usual going  to school, going to work like any ordinary day not knowing or expecting a tornado to come through and level their homes.  They share hope and encouragement for the people of Moore and anyone who is going through a difficult time.   Psalm 46:1-2 says that God is our refuge and strength and our ever present help in trouble.  God’s arms are not too short to reach out to you and His ears are not dull where he can’t hear you.  It’s okay to pause and cry out to God, He will comfort and lead you to himself.  Psalm 46: 10 “He says, Be still and know that I am God…


LISTEN NOW! Greg, John, and Pat discuss what moves God.  Does sickness move God, does poverty move God, and does trouble move God?  What moves God is faith.  If God knows how to feed the birds of the air and clothe the grass in the dirt does He not know how to care for you?    Hebrews 11: 1 tells us that, “Now Faith is confidence in what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.  You can’t have faith in what you can’t see.  How can we be sure of what we don’t see in our hearts?  They encourage us to have our confidence in God and stop looking for everybody else.  God created the word out of what was unseen when He spoke it into existence and we were made in his image.    We must be those who speak in faith and not doubt what we are believing for.  It is so important to whom you give access to your ears.  Don’t let the enemy cast doubt on what you are believing God for.  Doubt is something that goes into your heart.  Mark 11:24 says “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. By Faith things happen; our confidence must be in God.    We need men and women today who are going to move in faith.

BUT what I HAVE I give You

LISTEN NOW! John, Greg, and Pat share how many today are throwing money at problems.  Money is used so many times to clean up a mess or fix wrongs but money and other things people lean on are not always the answer.  Our default setting should not be anything else accepts seeking the Lord.  Acts 3 shares an account where a crippled man was sitting outside the temple begging.  The Bible doesn’t speak to how long he had been there but we can gather that he has been there begging for some time.  He resolved in himself since he did not have any legs that his source of provision can only come from begging.  One day this man saw Peter and John approaching the temple and asked for money.  Peter replied, “Silver or gold I do not have but what I have- I give you.”  They encourage us that when we don’t have anything our answer is not in more money or things but in God.  Peter had Jesus on the inside of Him and what was on the inside of him touched what was on outside of him.  The man was healed and jumped up immediately.  Peter had something that was much more valuable than silver or gold; He had the one who holds everything in the palms of his hands.  If you have Jesus you have everything.

Terrorists in London Murder soldier in cold blood

 LISTEN NOW! Greg, John and Pat discuss the terrorists in London who murdered a soldier in cold blood.  Satan wants to terrorize people and cause you to fear.  According to CBN two men with butcher knives savagely stabbed and cut off the head of a British soldier outside of barracks after they ran him over with a car. One of them claiming allegedly, eye for an eye.  CBN reports that the attacker approached confused bystanders with their bloody hands to deliver a message:  “We swear by almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you.”  They continue to discuss this is exactly what America is embracing.  Mohammed says in the Koran that Jesus is not the son of God this belief system is the complete opposite of Christianity.  The Christian’s Bible says live at peace with your neighbors but the Islam book, the Koran, says that the non-muslin must convert, be enslaved or be beheaded.  That is a big difference.  Where Christianity can live among the many worlds’ religions, Islam is a threat to anyone of any faith other than Islam.  God’s people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge.  The Koran teaches that the infidel will either convert, be brought into servitude or will lose their head.  A radical Muslim is just one who follows the teaching of Mohammed and what is in the Koran.  We are embracing what is happening; the church must repent.



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