Two things are coming: WORST of Times and the best of times
Greg, John, and Pat discuss how two things are coming, the best of times and the worst of times. They continue to discuss how you can either be a friend of God or an enemy of God. VFNRadio is here to encourage the world to turn their hearts to God. You have to ask God, where do you fit in? You have to adapt to God, God doesn’t adapt to us. The evangelist Steve Hill shares a prophetic warning for the church that could kill millions. It’s time to preach the letters of red, Jesus’ words. God demands our loyalty. It’s time to get on the right side of history. We are preparing the next generation to ride the wave of the Lord. Maybe VFNU.org is for you.
Two things coming: BEST of Times and worst of times
Greg, John, and Pat share how two things are coming the worst of times and the Best of times. God is not a theory He is a fact. We are to be loyal to God. The blessings are for those who belong to God. During these times God has an awesome encounter for those who are His. Brother John Kilpatrick, Pastor of Church of His Presence shares a prophetic word, a blessing for those who belong to God. You are designed for God’s presence. The book of Acts is not a history book but an operations manual. If you didn’t think this was possible and you want to be in God’s spiritual army, maybe VFNU is for you. God’s kingdom expands when satan’s kingdom shrinks.