LISTEN NOW! Keeping Christ in CHRISTmas
Greg, John, and Pat discuss the importance of keeping Christ in Christmas. They discuss a scenario in which someone else is celebrated on your birthday and how you would feel. It’s time for Christians to reclaim the greatest single event to happen in mankind; the birth of our savior. They continue to encourage VFNRadio listeners to refuse to surrender the day we celebrate Christ’s birth to those who don’t want to serve Jesus but yet still celebrate Christmas, so they can get gifts. This Christmas season, remember to share Jesus even using your Christmas tree as it points to Jesus. The bible says that cursed is every man who is hung on a tree. Jesus hung on a cross. The lights on the tree represent, Jesus is the light of the world and the gift under the tree represent the greatest gift ever given to man, the gift of Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and savior. Listen now below.
It’s okay to be Loyal to your Country
Greg and John discuss what is happening in France with a movement led by young people called, Generation Identity. They are waging war against the Islamization of their country. They were also encouraged by the young people in Egypt who are willing to stand and show their face in protest to the Muslim Brotherhood taking control of their country. They discuss it’s okay to be loyal to your country when others like, radical Islam, want to come in to your country and change it like trying to institute sharia law. The continued to speak about the pledge of allegiance we say in the United States and what allegiance actually means; loyal devotion. It’s okay for Christians to be loyal to their religion and it’s okay for American’s to be loyal to the United States of America. Listen now below.