LISTEN NOW! Eddie talks New Orleans Saints and how much he enjoys VFNRadio
John had the opportunity to get with Eddie Padilla for an interview for VFNRadio. In this interview Eddie talks New Orleans Saints football giving Pat and Chris a hard time. After an exchange of some funny moments not to mentions Eddies insanity work out update
Can Your Dog Drive a Car?
John sets up Pat by asking him if his dog Holly knows any tricks and Pat as a proud dog owner begins to share how smart Holly is. What Pat didn’t know, was that John was setting Pat up because he begins to share how abandoned dogs in New Zealand were being taught how to drive a car. Pat and Chris were surprised and skeptical at first but were pleasantly surprised to find out that it was true. This project was undertaken by an animal trainer, to break stereo types of abandoned dogs being second rate. They continue to share how many people today may feel rejected and abandoned and they begin to remind us that God doesn’t forget us. That no matter what we have ever done, it doesn’t mean that it is over. They remind us that according to 2 Corinthians 5:17 … “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things passed away; behold all things are become new.
Middle East Update: Chemical Weapons prepared by Syria
Tensions growing in the Middle East with recent developments involving Syria and their decision to mix saran gas for their chemical weapons. President Obama, earlier this week warned Syrian President Assad, that if these weapons were used on his people there would be consequences. Syria is believed to have one of the largest stock piles of chemical weapons. John and Pat do not only express concern that these weapons will be used on the Syrian people but that these weapons could eventually fall into the wrong hands, like Islamic jihadist, who would want to use them against Israel. This situation is causing serious concern because once the chemicals have been mixed they have 60 days before they expire and have to be destroyed. John, Pat, and Chris continue to discuss how President Obama, Nobel Prize recipient has had his hand in the Middle East in countries like Egypt, Libya, and Syria, allegedly empowering the Muslim Brotherhood. They continue to encourage us to stay alert and informed so we can strategically pray for Israel and for the safety of American soldiers who can be potentially used in the recent Syrian conflict.
Focus on the Kingdom of God and Commitment to Christ -if you are Going to survive, says Rick Joyner
Greg, John, and Pat discuss the prophetic word, The High Calling of True Commitment to Christ, given by Rick Joyner. In this word Rick shares commitment, loyalty, and faithfulness are all prerequisites for authority in any realm, and they are required for authority in the Kingdom. How could anyone truly know Almighty God, the All-Consuming Fire, and not be on fire for Him? Would anyone choose to serve a king and keep their job long if they were not devoted to the highest standards of excellence? How could we who have been chosen to serve the King of kings be lackadaisical about our service to Him? We should have the highest devotion to Him because of Who He is. We should then have the highest devotion to Him because of all that He has done for us. If that alone doesn’t compel us, then we should have the highest standards of devotion for Him because of the abundant Biblical warnings about the consequences of those who treat Him casually.
We are entering the times when no one will make it who has not built their house solidly on the Rock. God even gives a strong warning in Revelation 3:16 regarding about being lukewarm. It is better to be either hot or cold and when it comes to having a relationship with God, when it comes to serving the King in His Kingdom it always is better to be hot for God. Having an abiding relationship with Jesus Christ is the only way we are going to make it.