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Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

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Home » God is in Control of Events and Kings

God is in Control of Events and Kings

 Proverbs 21:1  says, the Kings heart is in the hand of the Lord; he directs it like a watercourse, wherever he pleases and that is so true especially during the reign of the kings Israel.  Pat shares from 2 chronicles 36:11-23, that after many warnings from Jeremiah to King Zedekiah to turn to God and his ultimate refusal it resulted in the Israelites going into captivity.  After 70 years of captivity God moves on the heart of a pagan King, King Cyrus to finance the rebuilding of the temple.  Why, because God wanted to make a way for his people to worship him.  He was extending them another chance.  Ultimately when it comes to God’s plan for his people it doesn’t matter who is the King or the person in governmental office.  God has a way of making his will come to pass.  God is in control.


Courtesy of Alena Brozova/

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