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Home » Stand Fast in This Turbulent Week

Stand Fast in This Turbulent Week

   Greg shares Prophet Chuck Pierce’ prophetic word.  The pure know his strategy, a turbulent week, a season of joy and rejoicing and the power of robbing will be exposed.  Enjoy the entire Prophetic Word listed below…  
     (scroll down to hear highlight)

    “Stand Fast in This Turbulent Week!”
   Last Sunday the Spirit of God moved so powerfully. We rejoiced over how the Lord responded to our prayers and began to send rain across this region. This week we have seen an even greater release of rain. The Lord is showering us with His blessings! This is a time to press beyond the narrow place and enter an enlarged place of promise where we will meet the King.
Here are some of the prophetic words that came forth on Sunday through Shara Collins, Anne Tate, and Barbara Wentroble, and myself (Chuck Pierce).
The Pure Know His Strategy
“If you’ll ask for the provision, the provision will come down. These are the days of Elijah. Cry out and don’t back up when Jezebel says you can’t move forward!
“Today is a new day of power. Today is the time for the Body of Christ to rise up to their designated place of authority. I give the authority to release the heavens to open the heavens and to shut the heavens. Because of this I’m calling you to a new place of purity. The pure in heart see God; they know His strategy and they know the strategy of the darkness, so they remain steps ahead of their enemy. So, rise up today into your place of power to open and shut the Heavens.
A Turbulent Week
“This is a week that He is shaking it and there will be turbulence in the atmosphere. We’ve been unwilling to face and stand and come up above the turbulence. But this is a week that the Lord is shaking the second heaven. This is the week that we have worked for, that we’ve prayed for, that we’ve stood for, and that we have asked Him for all year. This is the year that we will begin to come up over the sound of Islam. We loose the sound of turbulence into Detroit, that will cause those bound to hear! We loose the sound of turbulence across the earth as we come up and release what God has, and we pierce the kingdoms of this earth.
“Stand fast in your turbulent week and you will end up standing on the top of the turbulence that tried to cause you to lose your footing. Now just embrace Him and let Him embrace you. Some of you will end up this week being re-positioned for your future. Embrace the healing from the past season. This is the last week of Av the narrow, hot week. Lord, we embrace our healing to be re-positioned for our future.

A Season of Joy and Rejoicing
“I’m going to turn your mourning into joy. I’m going to take the disappointments and the discouragements that have been there and this is going to be a season of joy and rejoicing.
“Know that I have seen you even as you have sown seed when there seemed to be no seed to sow. Know that I have seen you when your faith reached out to believe for the miraculous, when in the natural it seemed impossible. Know that the Spirit of God has seen you as you have held firm through every difficult situation.
“Now I bring you into a new time. I bring you into a time when I’m going to cause such joy. For did I not say that weeping shall endure for the night but joy comes in the morning? Your morning has arrived! This is the morning of a new day. This is a morning of the time of rejoicing. Even where the canker worm and the locust came to eat away, I’m mightier and stronger than the locust. I am stronger and I come in this hour to restore all that the canker worm and the locust have eaten away. I say rejoice for the morning has arrived!”

The Power of Robbing Will Be Exposed
I then exhorted the Body: I see something right now. Remember the locust came in an order swarming, chewing, gnawing all of those locust came in an order, like an army.
The Lord says, “Wait, I am reforming My army and I am loosing restorative power within them. I will re-position them for multiplication. I will re-order them for advancement. I will begin to restore their bodies. I will restore their minds. I will restore their vision and they’ll move forward and they will move as a mighty army throughout the earth. For what ended up in the negative, I can bring back to the positive. I can even cause two negatives to make a positive. I can cause your negative to begin to step into a different realm, where I have activated you, and you will be multiplying again.”
Now hear me carefully. Some of you are going to have dreams this week. All of a sudden, some of you are going to know a situation that occurred years ago in your life. God is going to bring it up to you this week and He will show you how the robbing began.
I decree over this sphere of authority that You have given me, that during this week the power of robbing will be exposed, in Jesus name!
Chuck D. Pierce
Courtesy of Jaimie Duplass/

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