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Home » Christian Men Across the Nation Gather in Washington DC. -1 Million of Them

Christian Men Across the Nation Gather in Washington DC. -1 Million of Them



Promise Keepers is a movement that had small groups throughout the nation where men gathered to draw closer to the Lord. One million men came from all over the nation and gathered together in Washington, D.C. to seek God and to make a statement to the nation that it is all about the Father’s heart. It was such a powerful time to see these men and to hear them cry out and sing for Jesus to make a man out of me, a man of the Spirit. Maybe you want to decide to be a man or woman of the Spirit and to follow Jesus. Visit Meet My Father to read our stories and how you can make Jesus the Lord of your life. Also shared in this segment: Washington Monument, Humility. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Courtesy of wavebreakmedia/shutterstock.com

Promise Keepers
Emmaus Road Discipleship
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