In this culture of ever-changing attitudes, likes, dislikes, shares, apps, forwards, and everything else imaginable, many people find themselves affected by what other people are saying, or not saying. When it comes down to it, no one else is more in control of your happiness than yourself. This has a great impact on how we live our lives. When Bishop T.D. Jakes spoke with Steve Harvey, he shared about the importance of this revelation.
“You have to own your own happiness. Take it away from other people demanding that they make you happy.” Bishop Jakes continues to point out, “your kids are not going to make you happy; your spouse is not going to make you happy; a big house is not gonna make you happy. Own your own happiness and be responsible for doing those things that bring joy into your heart…”
Our life takes a dramatic turn when we take back the happiness of our own lives, and put it on ourselves, and stop expecting others to do what only we can do. How does this affect you? Have you had trouble enjoying your daily routine because of what others have said or not said? Share with us your comments. See the full conversation from Bishop T.D. Jakes, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: joy, happiness, Steve Harvey, life coaching, life principles, and your life story. Greg and John shared in this segment.
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