From the Garden of Eden when Satan tempted Eve, to their sons, Cain and Abel, to Nimrod at the Tower of Babel, Goliath, Alexander the Great, the Roman and Persian …
In a culture where things seem to come so easily, and you can get what you desire instantly or delivered to your door in two days, it’s easy to apply …
Many people today say, “I am saved,” but if you ask them what that means and what they are saved from, few, in my experience, could answer that question. “Save …
God’s perfect timing when He birthed His Church through His Son, Jesus Christ, by the outpouring of His Spirit occurred when “God-fearing Jews from every nation under heaven” were in …
The birth of the Church was an amazing, powerful, and explosive moment in the Spirit. This teaching offers insight into God’s promise and demonstrates how we, as sons and daughters …
Many times, when we face persecution for our faith, we are tempted to defend ourselves and our reputations through our words, actions, or even legal counsel. However, we learn from …
In the final chapter of the “Dynamics of Shepherd & Sheep” series, we are presented with a profound exploration of justice, leadership, and divine guidance, culminating in a message that …
In this message, we continue to see Jesus as our great Shepherd, even to the point of Him indicating that, like a shepherd who separates the sheep and goats within …