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Condoning Gendercide – Clinics in Hot Water Again for Condoning Gendercide


The pro-life group Live Action has released yet another undercover video, this time exposing abortion clinics in North Carolina targeting baby girls for abortion. The latest footage involving a Planned Parenthood and a National Abortion Federation clinic adds to Live Action’s current “Gendercide in America” investigation. Workers at both clinics can be seen on tape agreeing to perform an illegal sex-selective abortion. “If I went to them and they did the ultrasound and, you know, they’re like, ‘Oh, everything’s healthy and it looks good,’ but … it’s a girl,” the Live Action actress says in the video. “Would they be judgmental of me if they found out later that I aborted because it was a girl?” she continued. “No. All you have to do, if you wanted to go back to them for a follow-up, or keep them as your regular doctor, you know, just say that you had to go to the hospital and miscarried,” the National Abortion Federation worker said. “And then also … just as far as you guys, like, in the future if I continue to get unlucky and keep having girls … there would never be a denial of services here, right, for me?” the actress asks, this time at a Planned Parenthood clinic. “In terms of getting the abortions that I need.” “We do not turn patients away who are seeking our services,” a Planned Parenthood worker responded. Planned Parenthood in North Carolina receives nearly $400,000 a year in taxpayer money. Its leaders claim to condemn sex-selective abortions. MORE

Courtesy of Mirko Tabasevic/shutterstock.com


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