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Home » CLEARPLAY – Watch Clean Movies, DVD

CLEARPLAY – Watch Clean Movies, DVD




We have Two Passions: Family and Movies.Through the years Hollywood has given us entertainment masterpieces which combine our passions into one genre — the “Family Movie.”

Yet many movies fall into the genre of “almost family friendly.” Sometimes just a few scenes and expletives make an amazing movie unsuitable for your family preferences.

This is where ClearPlay comes in.

Introducing ClearPlay
ClearPlay is a new type of parental control.  In an age when you can personalize everything from your hamburger to your ringtone it makes sense to personalize the playback of your movies — based on your very own editing preferences.

Using the ClearPlay settings menu, simply select content types you want edited from your movies.  Are you concerned about violent scenes?  There is a setting for that.  Are you concerned about sensual content? There is a setting for that.  Vulgarity? Blaspheme? Bloodshed? There are settings for all these and more.

After you have created your own personal playback profile, simply select a movie and the playback is custom-tailored to your preferences.  You make the choices…we make it easy.

View ClearPlayer Reviews

Personalize Your Playback
Imagine the experience. 

You have just brought home the latest Hollywood blockbuster.  The family gathers into the same room, the smell of popcorn in the background.  The movie begins.  You laugh together.  You cry together.  You go on amazing adventures together.  It is family entertainment at its best.

And with ClearPlay, you are never interrupted by a scene or word you don’t want in front of your family audience.

Imagine the movies you might enjoy together

How to become a ClearPlayer
You need two things to get started.  First, your movie player needs to be ClearPlay compatible.  Second, you need to have a ClearPlay membership.

You can order both right here.


The ClearPlay Community
Not only does the ClearPlay community like to watch movies, we like to talk about them. 

Maybe you’re looking for a movie that exemplifies a particular value?  Checkout the movie reviews from other ClearPlayers. 

Are you wondering if a movie has embedded themes or messages that aren’t right for your family?  Read the comments section on our movies pages. 

Are you wanting to add a little pizazz to your next family movie night?  Our “Movie Moms” have some great ideas.

Let the ClearPlay community join your trusted movie friends.
Couple watching a movie


Parental Advisories

Even with your ClearPlay settings maxed out, you may want more information about a movie before bringing it home. Check out our ClearPlay Parental Advisories. Each of our movie pages contain disclosures on particular themes or subject matter contained in a movie. It’s a great place to research and review a particular movie.

Check out some current movie reviews


Back in 1998, ClearPlay began with just a few parents looking for more family movie options.  Over the years our company and community have grown with innovative parental control solutions.  ClearPlay has been awarded 6 patents with several more pending.  As we grow, we are continually bringing our technology to emerging entertainment platforms. 

If you are interested in exploring a partnership, please contact us

screen capture from youtube.com/MyClearPlay

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