GLM How do you spend your day? by 318 Bureau of Labor Statistics shares with us the average 24 hours of a worker from work, sleep, care of others, eating and more. Greg Lancaster, VFNtv · How do you spend your day Resource: Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn VKontakte Email 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail You may also like The Story Behind Your Gift: The New Jerusalem Anointing Oil Ten Prophetic Signs of the Israel War That Point to the... Elon Musk: Predicts the Future: AI, Free Energy, Age of Abundance,... JUSTICE! Keys to Receiving Justice, John Paul Jackson Prophetic Dream: From Warning to Awakening – Preparing for America’s Future,... Operation Christmas Child The Christian Foundations of America: A Response to Modern Misconceptions, Charlie... Prophecy: Modern Day David Against All Odds, John Kilpatrick We mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and... Kristallnacht: Night of Broken Glass Anniversary- We Remember We Will Not...