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Home » Islam allegedly Has Plan to Kill our President God reveals, We must pray for him

Islam allegedly Has Plan to Kill our President God reveals, We must pray for him


First it’s important to answer the question why would we even speak of this.  It can better be understood when you read about prophetic warnings and God’s expectations of those He reveals them to which can be seen here “Prophetic Warnings.”

Now on to the segment below. We must pray for our president as God has shown us and you can see on VFNtv in detail what God has shown us among other things that have, are and will be taking place.  Realize that we, as the Church, who call themselves Christians, followers of Jesus Christ are the key to stopping the direction of our nation and this possible horrific evil strategy.  We need to repent for our sins and stop blaming others for what we ourselves have done. We need to own it and say it’s wrong and ask God to forgive us.  We need to ask God to empower us to walk right before Him again through an abiding relationship with Jesus Christ.  For God says when He (God) sends a storm against us (His people), if we, those who are called by His name, repent, turn from our wicked ways, humble ourselves and prayer THEN (only then) will He hear from heaven, forgive our sins and HEAL OUR LAND; America.”  It is not God’s will for any harm to come to our President.  God has shown us that he is God’s set man just like Jehoiakim, which mean’s set man, and if we do notturn back to God the next leader will be named by the world and his OR HER name will be defined as “GOD IS JUST!” Just as it happened with Israel.  Watch the entire 90 minute prophetic conversation with minsters from around America sharing all that God has shown them on VFNtv as well as how we can respond like Josiah at VFNtv.com.

We share this because we believe the Lord shared it with us and others SO WE CAN PRAY THAT I WILL NOT HAPPEN, praying for our President’s protection asking God to prevent any harm to him, or his family or our nation.  We believe we are called by God to pray for our President (and all who are in authority over us) and for their protection and that “this is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and come to a knowledge of truth.”  I Timothy 2:1-4

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Courtesy of Fer Gregory/Shutterstock.comPWDV

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