LISTEN NOW! Greg shares about community organizing and how the President is involved in it and has been associated with groups like Acorn and people like Bill Ayers who have been used to bring disruption to America. He states that there are multiple motives for community organizing. He continues to share his experience as community organizer and how he found out that this particular group was being used to get its tentacles into the church. He recognized how this was being used to try to overthrow the government and how they borrowed this from the civil rights movement led by Martin Luther King, Jr. who was using it to hold a nation accountable to what was written in the constitution as oppose to dismantling it. He reminds us what we are seeing in our midst with the President as Jehokim “God’s set man” and encourages the church to pray for the President. He admonishes the church to repent and to turn back to her first love. If the church is in darkness how can the world not be in darkness? We can change what is happening in the street when the church changes what is in its heart.
Courtesy of Tom Wang/Shutterstock.com