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Home » Making “God” Sense of Turbulent Times (Our Perspective)

Making “God” Sense of Turbulent Times (Our Perspective)


Recent current events, too many to mention here, as they are daily occurrences are happening all around us.  Greg, John, and Pat share a fresh perspective regarding the attacks on the three U.S Embassies in Egypt, Libya, and Yemen.  They share how telling the truth will sound divisive to those who want to ignore the truth or disagree with it.  However, being divisive for the sake of being divisive is not just wrong but foolish.  America is the byproduct of an unrepentant church and as Christians we can share the truth while honoring those God has established, Romans 13.  Like a ship changing its course and making a turn the church can repent but it will happen through repentance and humility; never pride.



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