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Home » Prime Minister Netanyahu Appeals to America and the World

Prime Minister Netanyahu Appeals to America and the World


LISTEN NOW! Greg, John, and Pat share about Prime Minister Bejamin Netanyahu appeal to America and the world.  PM Netanyahu believes that Iran is only six months away from being capable to launch nuclear weapons against Israel.   President Obama has already said that he cannot meet with Prime Minister Netanyahu when he comes to the United Nations on September 24, 2012.  It is alleged he said that if Israel strikes Iran they are on their own.   The President of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s has already agreed with their supreme leader over Iran, Iman Khomeini, that Israel must be wiped off the map.  If someone says they are going to wipe you out; you should take their threat seriously.  We only have to look back to a few years back in history to see what Adolph Hitler did to the Jews during the Holocaust.  Don’t sit back, stand and pray for Israel.


Read the Speech in its entirety

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