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Home » Prophetic Dream: Sudden Attack Coming from the Gulf of MEXICO, Florida Sovereignty in Jeopardy

Prophetic Dream: Sudden Attack Coming from the Gulf of MEXICO, Florida Sovereignty in Jeopardy


Prophetic Dream – Sudden attack coming from the Gulf of Mexico; Florida loses its governor and sovereignty by Greg Lancaster

Prophetic Dream – Sudden attack coming from the Gulf of Mexico, Florida loses its governor and sovereignty by Greg Lancaster
We were preparing for a coming battle; we meaning America, but the battle came earlier than expected.  Suddenly there were battleships in the Gulf of Mexico. Everyone in the state of Florida began running north over the northern border of Florida.  There was a safe room that was made of steel designed to protect the Governor of the state of Florida in case of attack.  They were preparing the safe room to put the governor in it, but with the sudden attack the safe room began closing up and finally closed empty.  The governor didn’t make it to the safe room.  Then I saw people in Florida handing the “papers” of the state over the northern border.  It seemed it was the state constitution being handed over, i.e. the states sovereignty.
There was military rule in America.  The former base, Ellyson Field, for World War II, was secured with a fence and was used for a place where all the people of the community were being led to stay.  It wasn’t guaranteed access and they were very suspicious of Christians.  I was able to make it pass the guard with a group of believers.  Then the place they had established for me to live had been blown up before I arrived at it on this military base. 
It was as if Marshal Law had been established and life as we know it totally turned upside down.  Survival was the main focus and that it appeared based on keeping people secure on this base, that it wasn’t safe in the city.  It wasn’t even safe on the secure base because it was also being bombed when my place where I was going to stay was destroyed.


This is a snapshot of an original prophetic post documenting when it was posted.


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