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Home » Rosh Hashanah ; Rally to Hear God’s Voice this New Year

Rosh Hashanah ; Rally to Hear God’s Voice this New Year


Rosh Hashanah is the beginning of the New Year in the Jewish calendar often celebrated by the blowing of the shofar.  Greg, John, and Pat discuss how the whole world is focused on Israel all the while Ambassador Susan Rice, U.S. Ambassador, says that the reason for the mob attacks is because of a movie when it has been widely reported that this was a planned attack on the American Embassy in Libya.  It’s important to look at what is happening in the Middle East and to have perspective.  One perspective is “Jesus and the Jews”.  Satan hates Christians and the Jews.  Islam is an anti-Christ religion; it is time to brace yourself and turn to God and hear his voice and gain direction for your life like never before.  Some of the things talked about were Israel, Prime Minister Netanyahu; U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens; U.N.; U.S Embassies; Islam and Christianity.


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