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Twin Brothers Boost Business through ‘Missioneering’


CONCORD, N.C. — As business partners, David and Jason Benham couldn’t be a better fit.
“We shared a womb. We shared a room. Now we share an office,” Jason told CBN News during an interview at their Charlotte office in North Carolina.
His brother, David, quickly interjected, “But that’s all we share.” Jason laughingly agreed.
The truth is the identical twins share much more: a passion for athletics and healthy living, for their families, and for business. When it comes to business, they make no bones about their lack of training.
“We never studied any business,” David said, noting that their dad was a preacher. “We were trained to be biblical thinkers.”
David and Jason started a real estate company in 2003.
Today, Benham Companies provides tax planning, business consulting, and real estate services. The business’ real estate division, Benham REO Group, has about 100 offices in 35 states, and they say that’s just beginning.



Living the Dream

The brothers have been recognized as trailblazers in the industry, which makes their background all the more impressive.
After graduating from Liberty University on baseball scholarships, both were drafted by major league teams. David went to the Boston Red Sox and Jason played for the Baltimore Orioles.
But after several years on the field, their dream of playing professional baseball transformed into something more.
“God used three years in the minor leagues and four years for my brother to be able to reshape our dreams into something I would consider a little bit bigger,” Jason explained.
But their pro-ball careers were quickly followed by hard times.
“I went from swinging a wooden bat in front of thousands of people on the major league roster to pushing a broom in Charlotte, N.C., as a janitor,” David recalled.
David left baseball to focus on his family, and he moved to Charlotte to be closer to his brother. An injury led to Jason’s departure. READ MORE


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