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Home » Ambassador Chris Stevens Set up?, God reveals

Ambassador Chris Stevens Set up?, God reveals


LISTEN NOW! Just like King David in the Bible sent Uriah to the front lines of battle causing him to be killed Greg, John, and Pat share by revelation from God that the Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens was sent to his death.  One Congressman describes a scenario that when someone calls 911 help is on the way.  Allegedly when Ambassador Steven requested more security not only was more security not provided but some of the security he had was withdrawn from the region.  All the while the Secretary of State Hilary Clinton appears to celebrate the killing of the President of Libya Muammar Gaddafi. As Americans we should be deeply concerned about American citizens allegedly being sent to their death.  All the while some of the Church sleeps. There is something happening in the world and big shifts are taking place.   We have to cry out for justice.  True justice can only be found in Jesus Christ.  Some of the teachings spoken of were God does Speak and The Voice of God

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