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Home » Is the Secret Service being set up?

Is the Secret Service being set up?

 LISTEN NOW! A married couple by passes the Secret Service and attends a White House dinner undetected? Was what happened in Columbia really the Secret Service’s doing?
For many years the fine men and women of the Secret Service have given their lives to protect the idea founded in the U.S. Constitution the protection of the President of the United States.   Greg, John, and Pat share how they have the highest respect for the Secret Service and how they feel by God revealing to them that the Secret Service is being set up.  Good people can be set up.  They did it to Jesus; they did it to John the Baptist.  Good people being set up is not anything new.  They encourage VFNRadio listeners to pray for our President, and to pray for the Secret Service.  This nation will not change by force but only when God’s people humble themselves, repent and pray.

Courtesy of 1000 Words/shutterstock.com

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