One of the job descriptions for Satan is the accuser of the brothers. He accuses day and night. He accuses others to you, you to others, God to you, and you to God. Greg, John and Pat share how he roams around looking to accuse and was allowed to attack certain things and people in Job’s life. Greg speaks about what it would have been like for Job had this attack happened during our lifetime. He probably would have been minding his own business probably going after God and one day he would receive text messages saying your business is gone, your children are dead and after visiting his doctor he receives a text report that something is wrong with his skin and that he would be getting boils. Jesus said in this life you will have trouble but cheer up I have overcome the world. What the enemy meant for evil God meant for good. Just about when Job loses it God reminds him of who God is and gives him a fresh perspective for what he was going through. Just like Job was considered maybe America is being considered now. Our love is about to be tested. It’s time to pray for those who are trying to destroy our nation, marriages, and family. As we do this and make it through the process maybe the Lord will restore to us as He did for Job and restored to him seven times what was lost.
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